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  • @rogercooper said in Units in Combat - can we limit what a nonAA unit can target in combat?:

    canNotTarget ...

    i guess i was hoping i could just list the two units i want it to be able to target rather than list every other unit - combination of laziness and desire for less clutter and desire to have less things to update when i invariably end up adding more units...

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  • W


    "canRetreatOnStalemate" is still not documented.

    "isAI" 2.6+ only not documented.

    "bonusType" needs to be reworded:
    This, to me, would be very hard to explain. Given
    Attack with 2 Infantry 1 Elite and 1 Artillery
    Infantry attacks at 1
    Elite attacks at 2
    Artillery can support both Infantry and Elite with a bonus of 1
    number = 1
    stack count = 3
    both infantry attack at 1, artillery attacks at 2, elite attacks at 3
    number = 2
    stack count = 3
    both infantry attack at 1, artillery attacks at 2, elite attacks at 4
    number = 3
    stack count =2
    one infantry attacks at 1, one infantry and artillery attack at 2, elite attacks at 4
    number = X
    stack count = -1
    both infantry attack at 1, artillery attacks at 2, elite attacks at 5.

    I won't try to explain what happens when another support unit, Heavy Artillery is added. The bonusType can be the same, but count can be different. And then...

    So, in this I defer to someone better than me to explain how this works.


    P.S. When I first posted these tests, I had forgotten that I had "improvedArtillerySupport" enabled. Thus the test numbers were incorrect. I have corrected the numbers, and the outcomes have become more predictable. I apologies for any misinformation this may have caused.


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  • C

    @wc_sumpton said in Units in Combat - can we limit what a nonAA unit can target in combat?:

    A better source would be PoS2 xml, but that too is lacking.

    Can you make a post with the list of all that is missing?

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  • @cameron canNotTarget is in POS 2.

    canNotTarget values: colon delimited list of units that this unit can't target in battles, ex. subs not being able to target air units canNotBeTargetedBy values: colon delimited list of units that can't target this unit, ex. air units not being able to target subs

    Lots of great options in there.

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