New World Order game new
TripleA Turn Summary: Russians round 3
TripleA Turn Summary for game: New World Order, version: 1.8.7
Game History
Round: 3 Combat Move - Russians 2 Infantrys moved from Belomorsk to Murmansk Russians take Murmansk from Finns 1 Armour moved from Belomorsk to N.Finnland 2 Infantrys moved from Belomorsk to N.Finnland 1 Artillery moved from C.Finnland to N.Finnland 6 Infantrys moved from C.Finnland to N.Finnland 1 Armour moved from C.Finnland to N.Finnland 1 Mech.Inf moved from Leningrad to N.Finnland 1 Mech.Inf moved from Leningrad to N.Finnland 7 Infantrys moved from Kaluga to Kursk 2 Fighters moved from Moscow to Leningrad 8 Elites moved from Moscow to Kaluga 1 Infantry moved from Vologda to Rzhev 2 Artillerys moved from Rzhev to Smolensk 7 Infantrys moved from Rzhev to Smolensk 1 Infantry moved from Karchia to Novgorod 1 Infantry moved from Olonets to Vyborg 5 Infantrys moved from Nikolsk to Yaroslavl 1 Infantry moved from Pavlovsk to Lugansk 5 Elites moved from Stalingrad to Pavlovsk 3 Infantrys moved from Kizbar to Sochi 4 Infantrys moved from Kazakh to Astraknan 2 Infantrys moved from Archangelsk to Belomorsk Purchase Units - Russians Russians buy 4 Armours, 8 Artillerys, 3 Elites, 2 Fighters and 3 Mot.Infs; Remaining resources: 5 PUs; Combat - Russians Battle in N.Finnland Russians attack with 2 Armours, 1 Artillery, 8 Infantrys and 2 Mech.Infs Finns defend with 1 AAGun, 1 Artillery, 1 EarlyFighter, 1 Factory and 9 Infantrys Russians roll dice for 2 Armours, 1 Artillery, 8 Infantrys and 2 Mech.Infs in N.Finnland, round 2 : 4/1 hits, 3.83 expected hits Finns roll dice for 1 Artillery, 1 EarlyFighter and 9 Infantrys in N.Finnland, round 2 : 4/1 hits, 3.83 expected hits 2 Infantrys owned by the Finns, 4 Infantrys owned by the Russians, 1 Artillery owned by the Finns and 1 EarlyFighter owned by the Finns lost in N.Finnland Russians roll dice for 2 Armours, 1 Artillery, 4 Infantrys and 2 Mech.Infs in N.Finnland, round 3 : 3/1 hits, 3.17 expected hits Finns roll dice for 7 Infantrys in N.Finnland, round 3 : 2/1 hits, 2.33 expected hits 3 Infantrys owned by the Finns and 2 Infantrys owned by the Russians lost in N.Finnland Russians roll dice for 2 Armours, 1 Artillery, 2 Infantrys and 2 Mech.Infs in N.Finnland, round 4 : 3/1 hits, 2.67 expected hits Finns roll dice for 4 Infantrys in N.Finnland, round 4 : 1/1 hits, 1.33 expected hits 3 Infantrys owned by the Finns and 1 Infantry owned by the Russians lost in N.Finnland Russians roll dice for 2 Armours, 1 Artillery, 1 Infantry and 2 Mech.Infs in N.Finnland, round 5 : 2/1 hits, 2.33 expected hits Finns roll dice for 1 Infantry in N.Finnland, round 5 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 Infantry owned by the Finns and 1 Infantry owned by the Russians lost in N.Finnland Russians captures 8PUs while taking Finns capital Russians win, taking N.Finnland from Finns with 2 Armours, 1 Artillery and 2 Mech.Infs remaining. Battle score for attacker is 14 Casualties for Russians: 8 Infantrys Casualties for Finns: 1 Artillery, 1 EarlyFighter and 9 Infantrys Non Combat Move - Russians Place Units - Russians 3 Elites and 1 Mot.Inf placed in Leningrad 4 Armours, 2 Fighters and 2 Mot.Infs placed in Moscow 5 Artillerys placed in Stalingrad 2 Artillerys placed in Moscow 1 Artillery were produced but were not placed Turn Complete - Russians Russians collect 87 PUs; end with 100 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Finns : 0.17 Russians : 0.00
TripleA Turn Summary: Italians round 3
TripleA Turn Summary for game: New World Order, version: 1.8.7
Game History
Round: 3 Combat Move - Italians 2 Armours moved from St.Etienne to Bordeaux Italians take Bordeaux from French 2 Armours moved from Lyon to Montpellier 1 Infantry moved from St.Etienne to Montpellier 1 Infantry moved from Lyon to St.Etienne 1 Artillery and 3 Infantrys moved from Genova to Marseille 2 Artillerys and 2 Infantrys moved from Kroatia to Bosnia 2 Artillerys and 2 Infantrys moved from Serbia to Albania 1 Infantry moved from S.Tunesia to W.Tunesia 1 Infantry moved from E.Tunesia to W.Tunesia 1 Armour moved from Tunis to W.Tunesia 1 EarlyFighter moved from Tripoli to W.Tunesia 1 Infantry moved from N.Tunesia to E.Algeria Italians take E.Algeria from ColonialFrench 1 Armour moved from N.Tunesia to N.Algeria 2 Armours moved from N.Algeria to Alger 2 Infantrys moved from Sardinia to sz40 2 Infantrys and 1 Transport moved from sz40 to sz39 2 Infantrys moved from sz39 to Alger 1 Transport moved from sz40 to sz42 2 Infantrys moved from Roma to sz42 2 Infantrys and 1 Transport moved from sz42 to sz40 2 Infantrys moved from sz40 to N.Algeria 2 Armours moved from Tunis to N.Algeria 1 Elite moved from Tunis to N.Tunesia 1 EarlyFighter moved from Tunis to Alger 4 Transports moved from sz48 to sz49 1 Armour and 1 Elite moved from Greece to sz49 2 Armours and 1 Artillery moved from Greece to sz49 3 Armours, 1 Artillery, 1 Elite and 4 Transports moved from sz49 to sz48 1 Elite moved from sz48 to El Allamain 1 Artillery moved from sz48 to El Allamain 3 Armours moved from sz48 to El Allamain 1 Infantry moved from Tobruk to W.Egypt Italians take W.Egypt from British 1 Artillery moved from Tobruk to W.Egypt 4 EarlyFighters moved from Tripoli to El Allamain 3 Artillerys and 2 Infantrys moved from Roma to Napoli 2 Infantrys moved from Taranto to Messina 1 Fighter moved from Greece to El Allamain 1 Artillery moved from S.Greece to Greece Purchase Units - Italians Italians buy 8 Armours, 2 Artillerys, 4 Elites and 1 Fighter; Remaining resources: 1 PUs; Combat - Italians Battle in El Allamain Italians attack with 3 Armours, 1 Artillery, 4 EarlyFighters, 1 Elite and 1 Fighter British defend with 1 Armour and 2 Artillerys Italians roll dice for 1 Battleship in El Allamain, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.67 expected hits 1 Artillery owned by the British lost in El Allamain Italians roll dice for 3 Armours, 1 Artillery, 4 EarlyFighters, 1 Elite and 1 Fighter in El Allamain, round 2 : 4/1 hits, 4.17 expected hits British roll dice for 1 Armour and 1 Artillery in El Allamain, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.83 expected hits 1 Armour owned by the British, 1 Artillery owned by the British and 1 EarlyFighter owned by the Italians lost in El Allamain Italians win, taking El Allamain from British with 3 Armours, 1 Artillery, 3 EarlyFighters, 1 Elite and 1 Fighter remaining. Battle score for attacker is 5 Casualties for British: 1 Armour and 2 Artillerys Casualties for Italians: 1 EarlyFighter Battle in Alger Italians attack with 2 Armours, 1 EarlyFighter and 2 Infantrys ColonialFrench defend with 1 Artillery Italians roll dice for 2 Armours, 1 EarlyFighter and 2 Infantrys in Alger, round 2 : 2/1 hits, 1.67 expected hits ColonialFrench roll dice for 1 Artillery in Alger, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 Infantry owned by the Italians and 1 Artillery owned by the ColonialFrench lost in Alger Italians win, taking Alger from ColonialFrench with 2 Armours, 1 EarlyFighter and 1 Infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2 Casualties for Italians: 1 Infantry Casualties for ColonialFrench: 1 Artillery Battle in Bosnia Italians attack with 2 Artillerys and 2 Infantrys Neutral defend with 2 Infantrys Italians roll dice for 2 Artillerys and 2 Infantrys in Bosnia, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 1.33 expected hits Neutral roll dice for 2 Infantrys in Bosnia, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.67 expected hits 1 Infantry owned by the Neutral lost in Bosnia Italians roll dice for 2 Artillerys and 2 Infantrys in Bosnia, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 1.33 expected hits Neutral roll dice for 1 Infantry in Bosnia, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 Infantry owned by the Neutral lost in Bosnia Italians loses 0 PUs for violating Bosnias neutrality. Italians win, taking Bosnia from Neutral with 2 Artillerys and 2 Infantrys remaining. Battle score for attacker is 4 Casualties for Neutral: 2 Infantrys Battle in W.Tunesia Italians attack with 1 Armour, 1 EarlyFighter and 2 Infantrys ColonialFrench defend with 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry Italians roll dice for 1 Armour, 1 EarlyFighter and 2 Infantrys in W.Tunesia, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 1.17 expected hits ColonialFrench roll dice for 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry in W.Tunesia, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.67 expected hits 1 Infantry owned by the Italians and 1 Infantry owned by the ColonialFrench lost in W.Tunesia Italians roll dice for 1 Armour, 1 EarlyFighter and 1 Infantry in W.Tunesia, round 3 : 1/0 hits, 1.00 expected hits ColonialFrench roll dice for 1 Artillery in W.Tunesia, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 Artillery owned by the ColonialFrench lost in W.Tunesia Italians win, taking W.Tunesia from ColonialFrench with 1 Armour, 1 EarlyFighter and 1 Infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 4 Casualties for Italians: 1 Infantry Casualties for ColonialFrench: 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry Non Combat Move - Italians 1 EarlyFighter moved from W.Tunesia to N.Algeria 1 EarlyFighter moved from Alger to N.Algeria 3 EarlyFighters moved from El Allamain to Tobruk 1 Fighter moved from El Allamain to Tobruk Place Units - Italians 2 Artillerys and 3 Elites placed in Greece 4 Armours placed in Tunis 3 Armours placed in Marseille 1 Fighter placed in Genova 1 Armour and 1 Elite placed in Taranto Turn Complete - Italians Italians collect 72 PUs; end with 73 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Neutral : -1.00 Italians : -0.33 British : 0.17 ColonialFrench : 0.67
TripleA Turn Summary: ColonialFrench round 3
TripleA Turn Summary for game: New World Order, version: 1.8.7
Game History
Round: 3 Combat Move - ColonialFrench 1 Infantry moved from Lebanon to sz59 2 Infantrys and 1 Transport moved from sz59 to sz56 1 Infantry moved from sz56 to N.Egypt 1 Submarine moved from sz59 to sz56 2 Infantrys moved from C.Morocco to Alger 2 Artillerys moved from C.Morocco to Alger 1 Armour moved from C.Morocco to Alger 3 Infantrys moved from C.Algeria to Alger Purchase Units - ColonialFrench ColonialFrench buy 1 Armour, 2 Artillerys and 1 Infantry; Remaining resources: 1 PUs; Combat - ColonialFrench Battle in Alger ColonialFrench attack with 1 Armour, 2 Artillerys and 5 Infantrys Italians defend with 2 Armours and 1 Infantry ColonialFrench roll dice for 1 Armour, 2 Artillerys and 5 Infantrys in Alger, round 2 : 2/1 hits, 2.33 expected hits Italians roll dice for 2 Armours and 1 Infantry in Alger, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 1.33 expected hits 2 Armours owned by the Italians and 1 Infantry owned by the ColonialFrench lost in Alger ColonialFrench roll dice for 1 Armour, 2 Artillerys and 4 Infantrys in Alger, round 3 : 2/1 hits, 2.17 expected hits Italians roll dice for 1 Infantry in Alger, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 Infantry owned by the Italians lost in Alger ColonialFrench win, taking Alger from Italians with 1 Armour, 2 Artillerys and 4 Infantrys remaining. Battle score for attacker is 10 Casualties for ColonialFrench: 1 Infantry Casualties for Italians: 2 Armours and 1 Infantry Non Combat Move - ColonialFrench Place Units - ColonialFrench 1 Armour, 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry placed in C.Morocco 1 Artillery were produced but were not placed Turn Complete - ColonialFrench ColonialFrench collect 13 PUs; end with 14 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Italians : -0.67 ColonialFrench : -0.50
TripleA Turn Summary: British round 3
TripleA Turn Summary for game: New World Order, version: 1.8.7
Game History
Round: 3 Combat Move - British 3 Armours moved from Cairo to N.Egypt 1 Armour moved from N.Egypt to Cairo 1 Armour moved from N.Egypt to Cairo 1 Armour moved from N.Egypt to Cairo 1 EarlyFighter moved from N.Egypt to Cairo 4 Destroyers moved from sz31 to sz30 2 Submarines moved from sz31 to sz30 2 Battleships moved from sz31 to sz30 1 Infantry moved from S.Hempton to sz31 1 Armour moved from S.Hempton to sz31 1 Infantry moved from S.Hempton to sz31 1 Artillery moved from S.Hempton to sz31 1 Armour moved from Norwich to S.Hempton 1 Armour moved from S.Hempton to sz31 1 Infantry moved from S.Hempton to sz31 1 Infantry moved from S.Hempton to sz31 1 Infantry moved from S.Hempton to sz31 1 EarlyFighter moved from S.Hempton to sz30 1 EarlyFighter moved from Dover to sz30 2 Infantrys and 1 Transport moved from sz31 to sz30 2 Armours, 1 Artillery, 3 Infantrys and 3 Transports moved from sz31 to sz30 5 Infantrys moved from sz30 to Normandy 2 Armours moved from sz30 to Normandy 1 Artillery moved from sz30 to Normandy 1 Bomber moved from London to sz30 1 EarlyFighter moved from Dover to Normandy 1 EarlyFighter moved from Dover to sz30 1 EarlyFighter moved from Dover to Normandy 1 EarlyFighter moved from Dover to Normandy Purchase Units - British British buy 1 Armour, 2 Artillerys, 2 Destroyers, 1 Fighter, 2 Infantrys, 1 Mech.Inf and 1 Transport; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Combat - British Battle in sz30 British attack with 2 Battleships, 1 Bomber, 4 Destroyers, 3 EarlyFighters, 2 Submarines and 4 Transports Germans defend with 1 Destroyer and 7 Submarines British roll dice for 2 Submarines in sz30, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.67 expected hits Germans roll dice for 7 Submarines in sz30, round 2 : 3/1 hits, 2.33 expected hits Units damaged: 1 Battleship owned by the British British roll dice for 2 Battleships, 1 Bomber, 4 Destroyers, 3 EarlyFighters and 4 Transports in sz30, round 2 : 5/0 hits, 5.00 expected hits Germans roll dice for 1 Destroyer in sz30, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.50 expected hits Units damaged: 1 Battleship owned by the British 4 Submarines owned by the Germans, 1 Destroyer owned by the Germans, 1 Transport owned by the British and 1 Destroyer owned by the British lost in sz30 2 Infantrys owned by the British lost in Normandy British roll dice for 2 Submarines in sz30, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 0.67 expected hits Germans roll dice for 3 Submarines in sz30, round 3 : 1/0 hits, 1.00 expected hits British roll dice for 2 Battleships, 1 Bomber, 3 Destroyers, 3 EarlyFighters and 3 Transports in sz30, round 3 : 5/1 hits, 4.50 expected hits 3 Submarines owned by the Germans and 1 Submarine owned by the British lost in sz30 British win with 2 Battleships, 1 Bomber, 3 Destroyers, 3 EarlyFighters, 1 Submarine and 3 Transports remaining. Battle score for attacker is 35 Casualties for British: 1 Destroyer, 1 Submarine and 1 Transport Casualties for Germans: 1 Destroyer and 7 Submarines Battle in Normandy British attack with 2 Armours, 1 Artillery, 3 EarlyFighters and 3 Infantrys Germans defend with 2 Panzers British roll dice for 2 Armours, 1 Artillery, 3 EarlyFighters and 3 Infantrys in Normandy, round 2 : 3/0 hits, 3.00 expected hits Germans roll dice for 2 Panzers in Normandy, round 2 : 1/0 hits, 1.00 expected hits 2 Panzers owned by the Germans and 1 Infantry owned by the British lost in Normandy British win, taking Normandy from Germans with 2 Armours, 1 Artillery, 3 EarlyFighters and 2 Infantrys remaining. Battle score for attacker is 4 Casualties for British: 3 Infantrys Casualties for Germans: 2 Panzers Non Combat Move - British 1 EarlyFighter moved from sz30 to S.Hempton 1 Bomber moved from sz30 to S.Hempton 2 EarlyFighters moved from sz30 to Normandy 5 Infantrys moved from Norwich to Dover 1 Artillery moved from Norwich to Dover 10 Infantrys moved from London to S.Hempton 2 Armours moved from London to S.Hempton 2 Artillerys moved from London to S.Hempton 2 Infantrys moved from Manchester to London 2 Infantrys moved from S.Scottland to N.Castle 1 Infantry moved from E.Scottland to S.Scottland 3 Infantrys moved from N.Scottland to S.Scottland 1 Armour moved from N.Scottland to S.Scottland 1 EarlyFighter moved from N.Scottland to S.Hempton 1 EarlyFighter moved from Normandy to S.Hempton 1 EarlyFighter moved from Normandy to S.Hempton 1 EarlyFighter moved from Normandy to S.Hempton 1 EarlyFighter moved from Normandy to S.Hempton 1 EarlyFighter moved from Normandy to S.Hempton Place Units - British 1 Destroyer placed in sz56 1 Armour, 1 Artillery, 1 Fighter, 1 Infantry and 1 Mech.Inf placed in Cairo 1 Destroyer and 1 Transport placed in sz30 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry placed in London Turn Complete - British British collect 62 PUs; end with 62 PUs 2 units repaired.
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Germans : 1.17 British : 0.17
TripleA Turn Summary: Romanians round 3
TripleA Turn Summary for game: New World Order, version: 1.8.7
Game History
Round: 3 Combat Move - Romanians 1 Infantry moved from Odessa to Krym Romanians take Krym from Russians 1 Armour and 2 Infantrys moved from Odessa to Donetsk 1 Artillery and 3 Infantrys moved from E.Romania to Odessa 1 Armour moved from W.Romania to Odessa 3 Infantrys moved from W.Romania to E.Romania 1 Artillery moved from Macedonia to Bulgaria Purchase Units - Romanians Romanians buy 1 Armour and 2 Mech.Infs; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Combat - Romanians Non Combat Move - Romanians Place Units - Romanians 1 Armour and 2 Mech.Infs placed in W.Romania Turn Complete - Romanians Romanians collect 18 PUs; end with 18 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
TripleA Turn Summary: Americans round 3
TripleA Turn Summary for game: New World Order, version: 1.8.7
Game History
Round: 3 Purchase Units - Americans Americans buy 1 Armour, 2 Artillerys, 1 Battleship, 1 Carrier, 2 Infantrys, 1 Submarine and 2 Transports; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Non Combat Move - Americans 1 EarlyFighter moved from Washington to sz2 Place Units - Americans 1 Battleship, 1 Carrier, 1 Submarine and 2 Transports placed in sz2 1 Artillery and 2 Infantrys placed in E.U.S 1 Armour and 1 Artillery were produced but were not placed Turn Complete - Americans Americans collect 72 PUs; end with 72 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
TripleA Turn Summary: Germans round 4
TripleA Turn Summary for game: New World Order, version: 1.8.7
Game History
Round: 4 Combat Move - Germans 2 Panzers moved from Bourges to Normandy 1 Panzer moved from Lille to Normandy 3 Panzers moved from Paris to Normandy 5 EarlyFighters moved from Metz to Normandy 3 Panzers moved from Paris to Normandy 5 Infantrys moved from Dijon to Versailles 1 Artillery and 2 Infantrys moved from Toulouse to Bourges 8 Infantrys moved from Metz to Belgium 2 Infantrys moved from Frankfurt to Belgium 2 Transports moved from sz27 to sz26 3 Elites and 1 Panzer moved from Rostock to sz26 3 Elites, 1 Panzer and 2 Transports moved from sz26 to sz27 3 Elites and 1 Panzer moved from sz27 to Riga 4 Panzers moved from Koenigsberg to Riga 4 Infantrys moved from Gdansk to Koenigsberg 4 Infantrys moved from Dresden to Gdansk 1 Fighter moved from Rostock to Riga 1 T.Boat moved from sz26 to sz27 2 Artillerys, 5 Infantrys and 2 Panzers moved from Brest to Smolensk 2 Panzers moved from Belorussia to Smolensk 1 Panzer moved from Estorskaya to Smolensk 2 Panzers moved from Litovskaya to Smolensk 1 Panzer moved from Minsk to Smolensk 2 Panzers moved from W.Czech to Gdansk 2 Panzers moved from Donetsk to Smolensk 1 Infantry moved from Belorussia to Brest 1 Artillery and 5 Infantrys moved from Warzawa to Belorussia 13 Infantrys moved from Ukrainskaya to Minsk 2 EarlyFighters moved from Ukrainskaya to Smolensk 6 Panzers moved from Lvov to Donetsk 5 Infantrys moved from Krakow to Lvov 4 Panzers moved from W.Czech to Lvov 1 Bomber moved from Austrie to Smolensk 3 Panzers moved from Nuernberg to E.Czech 3 Infantrys moved from W.Czech to E.Czech 2 EarlyFighters moved from Ukrainskaya to Smolensk 1 Battleship, 2 Destroyers and 4 Submarines moved from sz22 to sz25 Purchase Units - Germans Trigger GermansSpecial: Germans has their production frontier changed to: productionGermansSpecial Germans buy 8 Bigarmours, 5 Elites, 8 Infantrys, 8 Panzers and 4 Transports; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Combat - Germans Battle in Normandy Germans attack with 5 EarlyFighters and 9 Panzers British defend with 2 Armours, 1 Artillery and 2 Infantrys Germans roll dice for 5 EarlyFighters and 9 Panzers in Normandy, round 2 : 7/1 hits, 6.17 expected hits British roll dice for 2 Armours, 1 Artillery and 2 Infantrys in Normandy, round 2 : 2/0 hits, 2.00 expected hits 2 Armours owned by the British, 2 Panzers owned by the Germans, 1 Artillery owned by the British and 2 Infantrys owned by the British lost in Normandy Germans win, taking Normandy from British with 5 EarlyFighters and 7 Panzers remaining. Battle score for attacker is 8 Casualties for Germans: 2 Panzers Casualties for British: 2 Armours, 1 Artillery and 2 Infantrys Battle in Smolensk Germans attack with 2 Artillerys, 1 Bomber, 4 EarlyFighters, 5 Infantrys and 10 Panzers Russians defend with 2 Artillerys and 9 Infantrys Germans roll dice for 2 Artillerys, 1 Bomber, 4 EarlyFighters, 5 Infantrys and 10 Panzers in Smolensk, round 2 : 8/1 hits, 8.83 expected hits Russians roll dice for 2 Artillerys and 9 Infantrys in Smolensk, round 2 : 4/1 hits, 3.67 expected hits 8 Infantrys owned by the Russians and 4 Infantrys owned by the Germans lost in Smolensk Germans roll dice for 2 Artillerys, 1 Bomber, 4 EarlyFighters, 1 Infantry and 10 Panzers in Smolensk, round 3 : 8/0 hits, 8.00 expected hits Russians roll dice for 2 Artillerys and 1 Infantry in Smolensk, round 3 : 1/0 hits, 1.00 expected hits 1 Infantry owned by the Russians, 2 Artillerys owned by the Russians and 1 Infantry owned by the Germans lost in Smolensk Germans win, taking Smolensk from Russians with 2 Artillerys, 1 Bomber, 4 EarlyFighters and 10 Panzers remaining. Battle score for attacker is 16 Casualties for Germans: 5 Infantrys Casualties for Russians: 2 Artillerys and 9 Infantrys Non Combat Move - Germans 5 EarlyFighters moved from Normandy to Le Havre 2 EarlyFighters moved from Smolensk to Riga 2 EarlyFighters moved from Smolensk to Ukrainskaya 1 AAGun moved from Dijon to Paris 1 AAGun moved from Lille to Le Havre 1 Bomber moved from Smolensk to Brest Place Units - Germans 4 Bigarmours placed in Ukrainskaya 4 Bigarmours placed in Warzawa 2 Transports placed in sz26 4 Elites placed in Rostock 2 Transports placed in sz25 1 Elite and 1 Panzer placed in Bremen 6 Panzers placed in W.Czech 3 Infantrys placed in Le Havre 5 Infantrys and 1 Panzer placed in Paris Turn Complete - Germans Germans collect 133 PUs; end with 133 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Germans : -0.00 British : 0.00 Russians : 0.33
TripleA Turn Summary: Russians round 4
TripleA Turn Summary for game: New World Order, version: 1.8.7
Game History
Round: 4 Combat Move - Russians 1 Mot.Inf moved from Leningrad to Estonia 1 Mech.Inf moved from Leningrad to Estonia 1 Bomber moved from Leningrad to Estonia 2 Fighters moved from Leningrad to Estonia 4 Elites moved from Leningrad to Estonia 2 Infantrys moved from Novgorod to Estonia 6 Elites moved from Kaluga to Rzhev 2 Elites moved from Kaluga to Rzhev 2 Armours moved from Moscow to Rzhev 1 Armour moved from Moscow to Rzhev 1 Armour moved from Moscow to Rzhev 2 Mot.Infs moved from Moscow to Rzhev 2 Fighters moved from Moscow to Rzhev 2 Artillerys moved from Moscow to Kaluga 2 Infantrys moved from Murmansk to Narvik 1 Artillery moved from N.Finnland to sz28 1 Armour moved from N.Finnland to sz28 1 Infantry moved from Vyborg to sz28 1 Infantry moved from sz28 to Estonia 1 Armour moved from sz28 to Estonia 1 Artillery moved from sz28 to Estonia 2 Infantrys moved from Belomorsk to Olonets 4 Elites moved from Pavlovsk to Lugansk 1 Elite moved from Pavlovsk to Lugansk 5 Artillerys moved from Stalingrad to Pavlovsk 4 Infantrys moved from Astraknan to Stalingrad 2 Mech.Infs moved from N.Finnland to Leningrad Purchase Units - Russians Trigger RussiansSpecial: Russians has their production frontier changed to: productionRussiansSpecial Russians buy 3 Armours, 6 Artillerys, 5 Bigarmours, 5 Elites and 7 Infantrys; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Combat - Russians Battle in Estonia Russians attack with 1 Armour, 1 Artillery, 1 Bomber, 4 Elites, 2 Fighters, 3 Infantrys, 1 Mech.Inf and 1 Mot.Inf Germans defend with 1 AAGun and 4 Panzers AA fire in Estonia : 1/1 hits, 0.50 expected hits 1 Bomber owned by the Russians lost in Estonia Russians roll dice for 1 Armour, 1 Artillery, 4 Elites, 2 Fighters, 3 Infantrys, 1 Mech.Inf and 1 Mot.Inf in Estonia, round 2 : 5/1 hits, 4.50 expected hits Germans roll dice for 4 Panzers in Estonia, round 2 : 2/0 hits, 2.00 expected hits 2 Infantrys owned by the Russians and 4 Panzers owned by the Germans lost in Estonia Russians win, taking Estonia from Germans with 1 Armour, 1 Artillery, 4 Elites, 2 Fighters, 1 Infantry, 1 Mech.Inf and 1 Mot.Inf remaining. Battle score for attacker is 1 Casualties for Russians: 1 Bomber and 2 Infantrys Casualties for Germans: 4 Panzers Battle in Narvik Russians attack with 2 Infantrys Neutral defend with 1 Infantry Russians roll dice for 2 Infantrys in Narvik, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits Neutral roll dice for 1 Infantry in Narvik, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 Infantry owned by the Russians and 1 Infantry owned by the Neutral lost in Narvik Russians loses 0 PUs for violating Narviks neutrality. Russians win, taking Narvik from Neutral with 1 Infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 0 Casualties for Russians: 1 Infantry Casualties for Neutral: 1 Infantry Non Combat Move - Russians 5 Infantrys moved from Yaroslavl to Rzhev 2 Fighters moved from Estonia to Leningrad Place Units - Russians 4 Bigarmours placed in Leningrad 5 Infantrys placed in Stalingrad 3 Armours, 2 Artillerys and 5 Elites placed in Moscow Russians undo move 3. 1 Armour, 3 Artillerys, 1 Bigarmour and 5 Elites placed in Moscow 2 Armours, 3 Artillerys and 2 Infantrys were produced but were not placed Turn Complete - Russians Russians collect 85 PUs; end with 85 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Germans : 0.00 Neutral : 0.67 AA fire in Estonia : : 0.50 Russians : 1.17
TripleA Turn Summary: Italians round 4
TripleA Turn Summary for game: New World Order, version: 1.8.7
Game History
Round: 4 Combat Move - Italians 2 Armours moved from Bordeaux to Barcelona 2 Armours moved from Montpellier to Barcelona 1 Infantry moved from Montpellier to Barcelona 3 Armours moved from Marseille to Barcelona 1 Artillery and 3 Infantrys moved from Marseille to Montpellier 1 Infantry moved from St.Etienne to Toulouse 1 Fighter moved from Genova to Barcelona 1 Infantry moved from E.Algeria to C.Algeria Italians take C.Algeria from ColonialFrench 1 Armour moved from W.Tunesia to C.Algeria 1 Armour moved from N.Algeria to C.Morocco 1 Armour and 1 Infantry moved from N.Algeria to sz39 1 Elite moved from N.Tunesia to sz40 1 Infantry moved from N.Algeria to sz40 1 Elite, 1 Infantry and 1 Transport moved from sz40 to sz37 1 Armour, 1 Infantry and 1 Transport moved from sz39 to sz37 2 Infantrys moved from sz37 to C.Morocco 1 Elite moved from sz37 to C.Morocco 1 Armour moved from sz37 to C.Morocco 2 EarlyFighters moved from N.Algeria to C.Morocco 4 Armours moved from Tunis to N.Algeria 1 Infantry moved from W.Tunesia to E.Algeria 1 Transport moved from sz48 to sz46 1 Infantry moved from Messina to sz46 1 Artillery moved from E.Sicilia to sz46 3 Transports moved from sz48 to sz49 3 Artillerys and 3 Elites moved from Greece to sz49 3 Artillerys, 3 Elites and 3 Transports moved from sz49 to sz54 1 Battleship and 1 Destroyer moved from sz48 to sz54 3 Artillerys moved from sz54 to N.Egypt 3 Elites moved from sz54 to N.Egypt 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry moved from W.Egypt to S.Egypt 1 Artillery and 1 Elite moved from El Allamain to N.Egypt 3 Armours moved from El Allamain to N.Egypt 1 Fighter moved from Tobruk to N.Egypt 3 EarlyFighters moved from Tobruk to S.Egypt 1 Artillery, 1 Infantry and 1 Transport moved from sz46 to sz48 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry moved from sz48 to El Allamain 2 Artillerys and 2 Infantrys moved from Albania to Greece 2 Artillerys and 2 Infantrys moved from Bosnia to Serbia 1 Elite moved from Taranto to Messina 1 Armour moved from Taranto to Messina 3 Artillerys moved from Napoli to Messina 2 Infantrys moved from Napoli to Messina 2 Artillerys moved from S.Greece to Greece Purchase Units - Italians Trigger ItaliansSpecial: Italians has their production frontier changed to: productionItaliansSpecial Italians buy 7 Armours, 2 Bigarmours, 3 Elites, 1 S.Sub and 1 T.Boat; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Combat - Italians Battle in N.Egypt Italians attack with 3 Armours, 4 Artillerys, 4 Elites and 1 Fighter ColonialFrench defend with 1 Infantry Italians roll dice for 1 Battleship in N.Egypt, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.67 expected hits 1 Infantry owned by the ColonialFrench lost in N.Egypt Italians win, taking N.Egypt from British with 3 Armours, 4 Artillerys, 4 Elites and 1 Fighter remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2 Casualties for ColonialFrench: 1 Infantry Battle in S.Egypt Italians attack with 1 Artillery, 3 EarlyFighters and 1 Infantry British defend with 1 Infantry Italians roll dice for 1 Artillery, 3 EarlyFighters and 1 Infantry in S.Egypt, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 1.67 expected hits British roll dice for 1 Infantry in S.Egypt, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 Infantry owned by the British lost in S.Egypt Italians win, taking S.Egypt from British with 1 Artillery, 3 EarlyFighters and 1 Infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 2 Casualties for British: 1 Infantry Battle in Barcelona Italians attack with 7 Armours, 1 Fighter and 1 Infantry Neutral defend with 1 AAGun, 1 Bunker, 1 Factory and 2 Infantrys AA fire in Barcelona : 0/1 hits, 0.17 expected hits Italians roll dice for 7 Armours, 1 Fighter and 1 Infantry in Barcelona, round 2 : 4/1 hits, 4.17 expected hits Neutral roll dice for 1 Bunker and 2 Infantrys in Barcelona, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 1.17 expected hits 1 Bunker owned by the Neutral, 2 Infantrys owned by the Neutral and 1 Infantry owned by the Italians lost in Barcelona Italians loses 0 PUs for violating Barcelonas neutrality. Italians win, taking Barcelona from Neutral with 7 Armours and 1 Fighter remaining. Battle score for attacker is 8 Casualties for Italians: 1 Infantry Casualties for Neutral: 1 Bunker and 2 Infantrys Battle in C.Morocco Italians attack with 2 Armours, 2 EarlyFighters, 1 Elite and 2 Infantrys ColonialFrench defend with 1 AAGun, 1 Armour, 1 Artillery, 1 Factory and 1 Infantry AA fire in C.Morocco : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 EarlyFighter owned by the Italians lost in C.Morocco Italians roll dice for 2 Armours, 1 EarlyFighter, 1 Elite and 2 Infantrys in C.Morocco, round 2 : 2/0 hits, 2.00 expected hits ColonialFrench roll dice for 1 Armour, 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry in C.Morocco, round 2 : 2/1 hits, 1.17 expected hits 2 Infantrys owned by the Italians, 1 Artillery owned by the ColonialFrench and 1 Infantry owned by the ColonialFrench lost in C.Morocco Italians roll dice for 2 Armours, 1 EarlyFighter and 1 Elite in C.Morocco, round 3 : 2/1 hits, 1.67 expected hits ColonialFrench roll dice for 1 Armour in C.Morocco, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0.50 expected hits 1 Armour owned by the ColonialFrench lost in C.Morocco Italians win, taking C.Morocco from ColonialFrench with 2 Armours, 1 EarlyFighter and 1 Elite remaining. Battle score for attacker is -1 Casualties for Italians: 1 EarlyFighter and 2 Infantrys Casualties for ColonialFrench: 1 Armour, 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry Non Combat Move - Italians 1 EarlyFighter moved from C.Morocco to N.Algeria 1 Fighter moved from Barcelona to Toulouse 1 Fighter moved from N.Egypt to W.Egypt 3 EarlyFighters moved from S.Egypt to W.Egypt 1 T.Boat moved from sz40 to sz43 Place Units - Italians 2 Bigarmours and 3 Elites placed in Greece 1 S.Sub and 1 T.Boat placed in sz50 3 Armours placed in Marseille 4 Armours placed in Tunis Turn Complete - Italians Italians collect 81 PUs; end with 81 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Neutral : -0.17 Italians : -0.17 British : -0.33 AA fire in C.Morocco : : 0.67 AA fire in Barcelona : : -0.17 ColonialFrench : 0.33
TripleA Turn Summary: ColonialFrench round 4
TripleA Turn Summary for game: New World Order, version: 1.8.7
Game History
Round: 4 Combat Move - ColonialFrench 2 Artillerys moved from Alger to C.Morocco 4 Infantrys moved from Alger to C.Morocco 1 Armour moved from Alger to C.Morocco Purchase Units - ColonialFrench Trigger ColonialFrenchSpecial: ColonialFrench has their production frontier changed to: productionColonialFrenchSpecial ColonialFrench buy 1 Armour, 2 Artillerys and 1 Infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Combat - ColonialFrench Battle in C.Morocco ColonialFrench attack with 1 Armour, 2 Artillerys and 4 Infantrys Italians defend with 1 AAGun, 2 Armours, 1 Elite and 1 Factory ColonialFrench roll dice for 1 Armour, 2 Artillerys and 4 Infantrys in C.Morocco, round 2 : 2/1 hits, 2.17 expected hits Italians roll dice for 2 Armours and 1 Elite in C.Morocco, round 2 : 2/1 hits, 1.33 expected hits 2 Armours owned by the Italians and 2 Infantrys owned by the ColonialFrench lost in C.Morocco ColonialFrench roll dice for 1 Armour, 2 Artillerys and 2 Infantrys in C.Morocco, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 1.83 expected hits Italians roll dice for 1 Elite in C.Morocco, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 Elite owned by the Italians lost in C.Morocco ColonialFrench win, taking C.Morocco from Italians with 1 Armour, 2 Artillerys and 2 Infantrys remaining. Battle score for attacker is 9 Casualties for ColonialFrench: 2 Infantrys Casualties for Italians: 2 Armours and 1 Elite Non Combat Move - ColonialFrench Place Units - ColonialFrench 1 Armour, 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry placed in S.Canada 1 Artillery were produced but were not placed Turn Complete - ColonialFrench ColonialFrench collect 12 PUs; end with 12 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Italians : 0.33 ColonialFrench : -1.00
TripleA Turn Summary: British round 4
TripleA Turn Summary for game: New World Order, version: 1.8.7
Game History
Round: 4 Combat Move - British 2 Submarines moved from sz56 to sz54 1 Cruiser moved from sz56 to sz54 2 Destroyers moved from sz56 to sz54 1 Fighter moved from Cairo to sz54 1 EarlyFighter moved from Cairo to sz54 1 Artillery moved from Cairo to S.Egypt 1 Infantry moved from Cairo to S.Egypt 1 Mech.Inf moved from Cairo to S.Egypt 1 Infantry moved from Dover to sz30 1 Armour moved from S.Hempton to sz30 1 Infantry moved from Dover to sz30 1 Armour moved from S.Hempton to sz30 1 Armour moved from S.Hempton to sz30 1 Infantry moved from S.Hempton to sz30 1 Infantry moved from S.Hempton to sz30 1 Infantry moved from S.Hempton to sz30 3 Armours moved from sz30 to Le Havre 5 Infantrys moved from sz30 to Le Havre 7 EarlyFighters moved from S.Hempton to Le Havre 1 Bomber moved from S.Hempton to Le Havre Purchase Units - British Trigger BritishSpecial: British has their production frontier changed to: productionBritishSpecial British buy 6 Bigarmours, 1 Elite, 1 S.Sub and 1 Transport; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Combat - British Battle in sz54 British attack with 1 Cruiser, 2 Destroyers, 1 EarlyFighter, 1 Fighter and 2 Submarines Italians defend with 1 Battleship, 1 Destroyer and 3 Transports British roll dice for 2 Submarines in sz54, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.67 expected hits Units damaged: 1 Battleship owned by the Italians British roll dice for 1 Cruiser, 2 Destroyers, 1 EarlyFighter and 1 Fighter in sz54, round 2 : 2/1 hits, 2.33 expected hits Italians roll dice for 1 Battleship, 1 Destroyer and 3 Transports in sz54, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 1.67 expected hits 1 Submarine owned by the British, 1 Battleship owned by the Italians and 1 Destroyer owned by the Italians lost in sz54 British roll dice for 1 Submarine in sz54, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 Transport owned by the Italians lost in sz54 British roll dice for 1 Cruiser, 2 Destroyers, 1 EarlyFighter and 1 Fighter in sz54, round 3 : 2/1 hits, 2.33 expected hits Italians roll dice for 2 Transports in sz54, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 Submarine owned by the British and 2 Transports owned by the Italians lost in sz54 British win with 1 Cruiser, 2 Destroyers, 1 EarlyFighter and 1 Fighter remaining. Battle score for attacker is 39 Casualties for British: 2 Submarines Casualties for Italians: 1 Battleship, 1 Destroyer and 3 Transports Battle in S.Egypt British attack with 1 Artillery, 1 Infantry and 1 Mech.Inf Italians defend with 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry British roll dice for 1 Artillery, 1 Infantry and 1 Mech.Inf in S.Egypt, round 2 : 1/0 hits, 1.00 expected hits Italians roll dice for 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry in S.Egypt, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.67 expected hits 1 Artillery owned by the Italians lost in S.Egypt British roll dice for 1 Artillery, 1 Infantry and 1 Mech.Inf in S.Egypt, round 3 : 1/0 hits, 1.00 expected hits Italians roll dice for 1 Infantry in S.Egypt, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 Infantry owned by the Italians lost in S.Egypt British win, taking S.Egypt from Italians with 1 Artillery, 1 Infantry and 1 Mech.Inf remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6 Casualties for Italians: 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry Battle in Le Havre British attack with 3 Armours, 1 Bomber, 7 EarlyFighters and 5 Infantrys Germans defend with 1 AAGun, 5 EarlyFighters, 1 Factory, 3 Infantrys and 2 Panzers AA fire in Le Havre : 1/1 hits, 1.33 expected hits 1 EarlyFighter owned by the British lost in Le Havre British roll dice for 2 Battleships in Le Havre, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 1.33 expected hits 1 EarlyFighter owned by the Germans lost in Le Havre British roll dice for 3 Armours, 1 Bomber, 6 EarlyFighters and 5 Infantrys in Le Havre, round 2 : 5/0 hits, 5.00 expected hits Germans roll dice for 4 EarlyFighters, 3 Infantrys and 2 Panzers in Le Havre, round 2 : 4/0 hits, 4.00 expected hits 4 EarlyFighters owned by the Germans, 1 Panzer owned by the Germans and 4 Infantrys owned by the British lost in Le Havre British roll dice for 3 Armours, 1 Bomber, 6 EarlyFighters and 1 Infantry in Le Havre, round 3 : 4/1 hits, 4.33 expected hits Germans roll dice for 3 Infantrys and 1 Panzer in Le Havre, round 3 : 2/1 hits, 1.50 expected hits 1 Panzer owned by the Germans, 3 Infantrys owned by the Germans, 1 EarlyFighter owned by the British and 1 Infantry owned by the British lost in Le Havre British win, taking Le Havre from Germans with 3 Armours, 1 Bomber and 5 EarlyFighters remaining. Battle score for attacker is 30 Casualties for British: 2 EarlyFighters and 5 Infantrys Casualties for Germans: 5 EarlyFighters, 3 Infantrys and 2 Panzers Non Combat Move - British 1 Fighter moved from sz54 to Cairo 1 EarlyFighter moved from sz54 to Cairo 5 EarlyFighters moved from Le Havre to S.Hempton 1 Bomber moved from Le Havre to S.Hempton 3 Infantrys moved from London to S.Hempton 1 Artillery moved from London to S.Hempton 4 Infantrys moved from Dover to London 2 Infantrys moved from Dover to Norwich 4 Infantrys moved from S.Scottland to N.Castle 2 Infantrys moved from N.Castle to Manchester 1 Armour moved from S.Scottland to N.Castle 2 Artillerys moved from S.Hempton to Dover Place Units - British 1 Elite placed in London 1 S.Sub and 1 Transport placed in sz30 6 Bigarmours placed in Cairo Turn Complete - British British collect 62 PUs; end with 62 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Germans : 0.50 British : -0.33 Italians : -1.00 AA fire in Le Havre : : -0.33
TripleA Turn Summary: Romanians round 4
TripleA Turn Summary for game: New World Order, version: 1.8.7
Game History
Round: 4 Combat Move - Romanians 1 Armour moved from Odessa to Donetsk 3 Infantrys moved from Odessa to Donetsk 1 Artillery moved from Odessa to Donetsk 2 Mech.Infs moved from W.Romania to Donetsk 1 Armour moved from W.Romania to Odessa 3 Infantrys moved from E.Romania to Odessa 1 Infantry moved from Krym to Odessa Purchase Units - Romanians Trigger RomaniansSpecial: Romanians has their production frontier changed to: productionRomaniansSpecial Romanians buy 1 Armour and 2 Mech.Infs; Remaining resources: 1 PUs; Non Combat Move - Romanians 1 AAGun moved from Lvov to Ukrainskaya Place Units - Romanians 1 Armour and 2 Mech.Infs placed in W.Romania Turn Complete - Romanians Romanians collect 18 PUs; end with 19 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
TripleA Turn Summary: Americans round 4
TripleA Turn Summary for game: New World Order, version: 1.8.7
Game History
Round: 4 Combat Move - Americans 1 EarlyFighter moved from E.U.S to sz2 1 Armour moved from E.U.S to sz2 1 Artillery moved from Washington to sz2 1 Artillery moved from N.U.S to sz2 1 Infantry moved from N.U.S to sz2 1 Armour moved from Washington to sz2 1 Infantry moved from E.U.S to sz2 1 Infantry moved from E.U.S to sz2 1 Bomber moved from N.U.S to sz2 1 Infantry moved from E.U.S to sz2 1 Armour moved from E.U.S to sz2 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry moved from E.U.S to sz2 1 Infantry moved from E.U.S to sz2 3 Carriers moved from sz2 to sz10 2 EarlyFighters moved from sz2 to sz10 1 Bomber moved from sz2 to sz10 3 Armours, 3 Artillerys, 6 Infantrys and 6 Transports moved from sz2 to sz10 4 Destroyers moved from sz2 to sz10 2 Battleships moved from sz2 to sz10 1 Submarine moved from sz2 to sz10 1 T.Boat moved from sz2 to sz7 Purchase Units - Americans Trigger AmericansSpecial: Americans has their production frontier changed to: productionAmericansSpecial Americans buy 2 Armours, 4 Artillerys, 1 Bigarmour, 3 Infantrys and 5 Transports; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Non Combat Move - Americans 1 Bomber could not land in sz10 and was removed 1 EarlyFighter moved from sz10 to sz16 1 EarlyFighter moved from sz16 to sz10 Place Units - Americans 3 Infantrys placed in E.U.S Americans undo move 1. 5 Transports placed in sz2 1 Artillery, 1 Bigarmour and 1 Infantry placed in E.U.S 2 Armours, 3 Artillerys and 2 Infantrys were produced but were not placed Turn Complete - Americans Americans collect 72 PUs; end with 72 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
TripleA Turn Summary: Germans round 5
TripleA Turn Summary for game: New World Order, version: 1.8.7
Game History
Round: 5 Combat Move - Germans 5 Infantrys moved from Versailles to Le Havre 1 Panzer moved from Paris to Le Havre 2 Panzers moved from Normandy to Le Havre 5 Infantrys moved from Lille to Le Havre 1 Artillery and 2 Infantrys moved from Bourges to Normandy 5 Infantrys moved from Paris to Lille 4 Elites moved from Rostock to sz26 4 Infantrys moved from Gdansk to sz27 2 Destroyers moved from sz27 to sz28 1 T.Boat moved from sz27 to sz28 1 EarlyFighter moved from Riga to sz28 4 Infantrys and 2 Transports moved from sz27 to sz28 4 Infantrys moved from sz28 to Leningrad 4 Elites and 2 Transports moved from sz26 to sz28 4 Elites moved from sz28 to Leningrad 10 Panzers moved from Smolensk to Leningrad Germans take Novgorod from Russians 3 Elites moved from Riga to Estonia 5 Panzers moved from Riga to Estonia 4 Bigarmours moved from Ukrainskaya to Estonia 2 Artillerys moved from Smolensk to Rzhev 13 Infantrys moved from Minsk to Rzhev 6 Panzers moved from Donetsk to Rzhev 1 EarlyFighter moved from Riga to sz28 2 EarlyFighters moved from Ukrainskaya to Rzhev 1 Fighter moved from Riga to Rzhev 1 Bomber moved from Brest to Rzhev 1 Elite, 2 Infantrys and 1 Panzer moved from Bremen to sz25 1 Battleship, 2 Destroyers, 1 Elite, 2 Infantrys, 1 Panzer, 4 Submarines and 2 Transports moved from sz25 to sz18 1 Elite, 2 Infantrys and 1 Panzer moved from sz18 to N.Scottland 4 Panzers moved from Lvov to Minsk 1 Infantry moved from Brest to Smolensk 4 Infantrys moved from Litovskaya to Brest 1 Artillery and 5 Infantrys moved from Belorussia to Brest 4 Bigarmours moved from Warzawa to Brest 4 Infantrys moved from Koenigsberg to Litovskaya 2 Panzers moved from Gdansk to Litovskaya 5 Infantrys moved from Lvov to Ukrainskaya 3 Infantrys moved from E.Czech to Lvov 3 Panzers moved from E.Czech to Ukrainskaya 6 Panzers moved from W.Czech to Lvov Purchase Units - Germans Germans buy 8 Bigarmours, 2 Bombers, 8 Infantrys and 3 S.Subs; Remaining resources: 1 PUs; Combat - Germans Battle in N.Scottland Germans attack with 1 Elite, 2 Infantrys and 1 Panzer British defend with 1 AAGun, 1 Artillery and 1 Factory Germans roll dice for 1 Battleship in N.Scottland, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.67 expected hits 1 Artillery owned by the British lost in N.Scottland Germans win, taking N.Scottland from British with 1 Elite, 2 Infantrys and 1 Panzer remaining. Battle score for attacker is 4 Casualties for British: 1 Artillery Battle in sz28 Germans attack with 2 Destroyers, 2 EarlyFighters, 1 T.Boat and 4 Transports Russians defend with 1 Destroyer, 1 Submarine and 2 Transports Russians roll dice for 1 Submarine in sz28, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits Germans roll dice for 2 Destroyers, 2 EarlyFighters, 1 T.Boat and 4 Transports in sz28, round 2 : 2/0 hits, 2.00 expected hits Russians roll dice for 1 Destroyer and 2 Transports in sz28, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.83 expected hits 2 Transports owned by the Russians lost in sz28 Russians roll dice for 1 Submarine in sz28, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits Germans roll dice for 2 Destroyers, 2 EarlyFighters, 1 T.Boat and 4 Transports in sz28, round 3 : 2/0 hits, 2.00 expected hits Russians roll dice for 1 Destroyer in sz28, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 0.50 expected hits 1 Submarine owned by the Russians, 1 T.Boat owned by the Germans and 1 Destroyer owned by the Russians lost in sz28 Germans win with 2 Destroyers, 2 EarlyFighters and 4 Transports remaining. Battle score for attacker is 27 Casualties for Russians: 1 Destroyer, 1 Submarine and 2 Transports Casualties for Germans: 1 T.Boat Battle in Leningrad Germans attack with 4 Elites, 4 Infantrys and 10 Panzers Russians defend with 4 Bigarmours, 2 Bunkers, 1 Factory, 2 Fighters and 2 Mech.Infs Germans roll dice for 4 Elites, 4 Infantrys and 10 Panzers in Leningrad, round 2 : 7/0 hits, 7.00 expected hits Russians roll dice for 4 Bigarmours, 2 Bunkers, 2 Fighters and 2 Mech.Infs in Leningrad, round 2 : 6/1 hits, 5.67 expected hits 2 Elites owned by the Germans, 2 Mech.Infs owned by the Russians, 4 Infantrys owned by the Germans, 2 Bunkers owned by the Russians and 1 Bigarmour owned by the Russians lost in Leningrad Germans roll dice for 2 Elites and 10 Panzers in Leningrad, round 3 : 5/1 hits, 5.67 expected hits Russians roll dice for 3 Bigarmours and 2 Fighters in Leningrad, round 3 : 4/1 hits, 3.33 expected hits 2 Fighters owned by the Russians, 2 Elites owned by the Germans, 2 Panzers owned by the Germans and 3 Bigarmours owned by the Russians lost in Leningrad Germans win, taking Leningrad from Russians with 8 Panzers remaining. Battle score for attacker is 42 Casualties for Germans: 4 Elites, 4 Infantrys and 2 Panzers Casualties for Russians: 4 Bigarmours, 2 Bunkers, 2 Fighters and 2 Mech.Infs Battle in Estonia Germans attack with 4 Bigarmours, 3 Elites and 5 Panzers Russians defend with 1 AAGun, 1 Armour, 1 Artillery, 4 Elites, 1 Infantry, 1 Mech.Inf and 1 Mot.Inf Germans roll dice for 4 Bigarmours, 3 Elites and 5 Panzers in Estonia, round 2 : 6/1 hits, 6.17 expected hits Russians roll dice for 1 Armour, 1 Artillery, 4 Elites, 1 Infantry, 1 Mech.Inf and 1 Mot.Inf in Estonia, round 2 : 4/1 hits, 3.33 expected hits 4 Elites owned by the Russians, 1 Infantry owned by the Russians, 1 Artillery owned by the Russians, 3 Elites owned by the Germans and 1 Panzer owned by the Germans lost in Estonia Germans roll dice for 4 Bigarmours and 4 Panzers in Estonia, round 3 : 5/1 hits, 4.67 expected hits Russians roll dice for 1 Armour, 1 Mech.Inf and 1 Mot.Inf in Estonia, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 1.33 expected hits 1 Mech.Inf owned by the Russians, 1 Panzer owned by the Germans, 1 Mot.Inf owned by the Russians and 1 Armour owned by the Russians lost in Estonia Germans win, taking Estonia from Russians with 4 Bigarmours and 3 Panzers remaining. Battle score for attacker is 14 Casualties for Germans: 3 Elites and 2 Panzers Casualties for Russians: 1 Armour, 1 Artillery, 4 Elites, 1 Infantry, 1 Mech.Inf and 1 Mot.Inf Battle in Rzhev Germans attack with 2 Artillerys, 1 Bomber, 2 EarlyFighters, 1 Fighter, 13 Infantrys and 6 Panzers Russians defend with 4 Armours, 8 Elites, 2 Fighters, 6 Infantrys and 2 Mot.Infs Germans roll dice for 2 Artillerys, 1 Bomber, 2 EarlyFighters, 1 Fighter, 13 Infantrys and 6 Panzers in Rzhev, round 2 : 8/0 hits, 8.00 expected hits Russians roll dice for 4 Armours, 8 Elites, 2 Fighters, 6 Infantrys and 2 Mot.Infs in Rzhev, round 2 : 9/0 hits, 9.00 expected hits 2 Elites owned by the Russians, 6 Infantrys owned by the Russians and 9 Infantrys owned by the Germans lost in Rzhev Germans roll dice for 2 Artillerys, 1 Bomber, 2 EarlyFighters, 1 Fighter, 4 Infantrys and 6 Panzers in Rzhev, round 3 : 6/1 hits, 6.50 expected hits Russians roll dice for 4 Armours, 6 Elites, 2 Fighters and 2 Mot.Infs in Rzhev, round 3 : 6/1 hits, 6.33 expected hits 6 Elites owned by the Russians, 2 Artillerys owned by the Germans and 4 Infantrys owned by the Germans lost in Rzhev Germans roll dice for 1 Bomber, 2 EarlyFighters, 1 Fighter and 6 Panzers in Rzhev, round 4 : 5/1 hits, 4.83 expected hits Russians roll dice for 4 Armours, 2 Fighters and 2 Mot.Infs in Rzhev, round 4 : 4/1 hits, 4.33 expected hits 2 EarlyFighters owned by the Germans, 2 Panzers owned by the Germans, 2 Mot.Infs owned by the Russians and 3 Armours owned by the Russians lost in Rzhev Germans roll dice for 1 Bomber, 1 Fighter and 4 Panzers in Rzhev, round 5 : 3/1 hits, 3.17 expected hits Russians roll dice for 1 Armour and 2 Fighters in Rzhev, round 5 : 2/1 hits, 1.83 expected hits 2 Fighters owned by the Russians, 2 Panzers owned by the Germans and 1 Armour owned by the Russians lost in Rzhev Germans win, taking Rzhev from Russians with 1 Bomber, 1 Fighter and 2 Panzers remaining. Battle score for attacker is 14 Casualties for Germans: 2 Artillerys, 2 EarlyFighters, 13 Infantrys and 4 Panzers Casualties for Russians: 4 Armours, 8 Elites, 2 Fighters, 6 Infantrys and 2 Mot.Infs Battle in Le Havre Germans attack with 10 Infantrys and 3 Panzers British defend with 1 AAGun, 3 Armours and 1 Factory Germans roll dice for 10 Infantrys and 3 Panzers in Le Havre, round 2 : 3/1 hits, 3.17 expected hits British roll dice for 3 Armours in Le Havre, round 2 : 2/1 hits, 1.50 expected hits 3 Armours owned by the British and 2 Infantrys owned by the Germans lost in Le Havre Germans win, taking Le Havre from British with 8 Infantrys and 3 Panzers remaining. Battle score for attacker is 11 Casualties for Germans: 2 Infantrys Casualties for British: 3 Armours Non Combat Move - Germans 2 EarlyFighters moved from sz28 to Smolensk 1 Fighter moved from Rzhev to Smolensk 1 Bomber moved from Rzhev to Smolensk Place Units - Germans 4 Bigarmours placed in Ukrainskaya 4 Bigarmours placed in Warzawa 3 S.Subs placed in sz26 2 Bombers and 3 Infantrys placed in Bremen 5 Infantrys placed in Paris Turn Complete - Germans Germans collect 142 PUs; end with 143 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Germans : -0.83 British : 0.50 Russians : -0.17
TripleA Turn Summary: Russians round 5
TripleA Turn Summary for game: New World Order, version: 1.8.7
Game History
Round: 5 Combat Move - Russians 1 Armour moved from Moscow to Kaluga 1 Bigarmour moved from Moscow to Kaluga 3 Artillerys moved from Moscow to Kaluga 5 Elites moved from Moscow to Kaluga 5 Artillerys moved from Pavlovsk to Lugansk Purchase Units - Russians Russians buy 5 Bigarmours and 25 Infantrys; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Non Combat Move - Russians Place Units - Russians 5 Bigarmours placed in Moscow 5 Infantrys placed in Moscow 5 Infantrys placed in Stalingrad 15 Infantrys were produced but were not placed Turn Complete - Russians Russians collect 77 PUs; end with 77 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
TripleA Turn Summary: Italians round 5
TripleA Turn Summary for game: New World Order, version: 1.8.7
Game History
Round: 5 Combat Move - Italians 1 EarlyFighter moved from N.Algeria to C.Morocco 4 Armours moved from N.Algeria to Alger Italians take Alger from ColonialFrench 4 Armours moved from Alger to C.Morocco 1 Armour and 1 Infantry moved from C.Algeria to C.Morocco 2 Transports moved from sz37 to sz38 1 Artillery and 3 Infantrys moved from Montpellier to sz38 1 Artillery and 3 Infantrys moved from sz38 to S.Nevada 1 Infantry moved from Toulouse to Bilbao 2 Armours moved from Barcelona to Bilbao 1 Fighter moved from Toulouse to Bilbao 1 Armour moved from Barcelona to Bilbao 3 Armours moved from Barcelona to C.Spain 1 Armour moved from Barcelona to S.Nevada 3 Armours moved from Marseille to Barcelona 3 Armours, 4 Artillerys and 4 Elites moved from N.Egypt to Cairo 3 EarlyFighters moved from W.Egypt to Cairo 1 Fighter moved from W.Egypt to Cairo 4 Armours moved from Tunis to Tripoli 1 Infantry moved from E.Algeria to W.Tunesia 1 Transport moved from sz48 to sz46 1 Armour and 1 Elite moved from Messina to sz46 1 Armour, 1 Elite and 1 Transport moved from sz46 to sz48 4 Artillerys, 2 Bigarmours, 3 Elites and 2 Infantrys moved from Greece to Istanbul 2 Artillerys and 2 Infantrys moved from Serbia to Albania 1 Artillery and 1 Infantry moved from El Allamain to N.Egypt 1 Armour and 1 Elite moved from sz48 to El Allamain Purchase Units - Italians Italians buy 3 Armours, 6 Bigarmours, 2 Infantrys and 2 S.Subs; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Combat - Italians Battle in S.Nevada Italians attack with 1 Armour, 1 Artillery and 3 Infantrys Neutral defend with 1 Bunker Italians roll dice for 1 Armour, 1 Artillery and 3 Infantrys in S.Nevada, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 1.50 expected hits Units damaged: 1 Bunker owned by the Neutral Neutral roll dice for 1 Bunker in S.Nevada, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.50 expected hits Italians roll dice for 1 Armour, 1 Artillery and 3 Infantrys in S.Nevada, round 3 : 2/1 hits, 1.50 expected hits Neutral roll dice for 1 Bunker in S.Nevada, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0.50 expected hits 1 Bunker owned by the Neutral lost in S.Nevada Italians loses 0 PUs for violating S.Nevadas neutrality. Italians win, taking S.Nevada from Neutral with 1 Armour, 1 Artillery and 3 Infantrys remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6 Casualties for Neutral: 1 Bunker Battle in Bilbao Italians attack with 3 Armours, 1 Fighter and 1 Infantry Neutral defend with 1 Bunker and 2 Infantrys Italians roll dice for 3 Armours, 1 Fighter and 1 Infantry in Bilbao, round 2 : 2/1 hits, 2.17 expected hits Units damaged: 1 Bunker owned by the Neutral Neutral roll dice for 1 Bunker and 2 Infantrys in Bilbao, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 1.17 expected hits 1 Infantry owned by the Neutral and 1 Infantry owned by the Italians lost in Bilbao Italians roll dice for 3 Armours and 1 Fighter in Bilbao, round 3 : 2/0 hits, 2.00 expected hits Neutral roll dice for 1 Bunker and 1 Infantry in Bilbao, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 0.83 expected hits 1 Bunker owned by the Neutral, 1 Armour owned by the Italians and 1 Infantry owned by the Neutral lost in Bilbao Italians loses 0 PUs for violating Bilbaos neutrality. Italians win, taking Bilbao from Neutral with 2 Armours and 1 Fighter remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3 Casualties for Italians: 1 Armour and 1 Infantry Casualties for Neutral: 1 Bunker and 2 Infantrys Battle in C.Morocco Italians attack with 5 Armours, 1 EarlyFighter and 1 Infantry ColonialFrench defend with 1 AAGun, 1 Armour, 2 Artillerys, 1 Factory and 2 Infantrys AA fire in C.Morocco : 0/1 hits, 0.17 expected hits Italians roll dice for 5 Armours, 1 EarlyFighter and 1 Infantry in C.Morocco, round 2 : 3/0 hits, 3.00 expected hits ColonialFrench roll dice for 1 Armour, 2 Artillerys and 2 Infantrys in C.Morocco, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 1.83 expected hits 1 Infantry owned by the Italians, 1 Artillery owned by the ColonialFrench and 2 Infantrys owned by the ColonialFrench lost in C.Morocco Italians roll dice for 5 Armours and 1 EarlyFighter in C.Morocco, round 3 : 2/1 hits, 2.83 expected hits ColonialFrench roll dice for 1 Armour and 1 Artillery in C.Morocco, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 0.83 expected hits 1 Armour owned by the ColonialFrench, 1 Armour owned by the Italians and 1 Artillery owned by the ColonialFrench lost in C.Morocco Italians win, taking C.Morocco from ColonialFrench with 4 Armours and 1 EarlyFighter remaining. Battle score for attacker is 10 Casualties for Italians: 1 Armour and 1 Infantry Casualties for ColonialFrench: 1 Armour, 2 Artillerys and 2 Infantrys Battle in Istanbul Italians attack with 4 Artillerys, 2 Bigarmours, 3 Elites and 2 Infantrys Neutral defend with 2 Armours, 1 Bunker and 3 Infantrys Italians roll dice for 4 Artillerys, 2 Bigarmours, 3 Elites and 2 Infantrys in Istanbul, round 2 : 4/1 hits, 4.67 expected hits Units damaged: 1 Bunker owned by the Neutral Neutral roll dice for 2 Armours, 1 Bunker and 3 Infantrys in Istanbul, round 2 : 3/1 hits, 2.50 expected hits 3 Infantrys owned by the Neutral, 1 Artillery owned by the Italians and 2 Infantrys owned by the Italians lost in Istanbul Italians roll dice for 3 Artillerys, 2 Bigarmours and 3 Elites in Istanbul, round 3 : 4/1 hits, 3.83 expected hits Neutral roll dice for 2 Armours and 1 Bunker in Istanbul, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 1.50 expected hits 2 Armours owned by the Neutral, 1 Bunker owned by the Neutral and 1 Elite owned by the Italians lost in Istanbul Italians loses 0 PUs for violating Istanbuls neutrality. Italians win, taking Istanbul from Neutral with 3 Artillerys, 2 Bigarmours and 2 Elites remaining. Battle score for attacker is 11 Casualties for Italians: 1 Artillery, 1 Elite and 2 Infantrys Casualties for Neutral: 2 Armours, 1 Bunker and 3 Infantrys Battle in C.Spain Italians attack with 3 Armours Neutral defend with 2 Infantrys Italians roll dice for 3 Armours in C.Spain, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 1.50 expected hits Neutral roll dice for 2 Infantrys in C.Spain, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.67 expected hits 1 Armour owned by the Italians and 1 Infantry owned by the Neutral lost in C.Spain Italians roll dice for 2 Armours in C.Spain, round 3 : 1/0 hits, 1.00 expected hits Neutral roll dice for 1 Infantry in C.Spain, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 Infantry owned by the Neutral lost in C.Spain Italians loses 0 PUs for violating C.Spains neutrality. Italians win, taking C.Spain from Neutral with 2 Armours remaining. Battle score for attacker is -1 Casualties for Italians: 1 Armour Casualties for Neutral: 2 Infantrys Battle in Cairo Italians attack with 3 Armours, 4 Artillerys, 3 EarlyFighters, 4 Elites and 1 Fighter British defend with 1 AAGun, 4 Armours, 6 Bigarmours, 1 EarlyFighter, 1 Factory and 1 Fighter AA fire in Cairo : 0/1 hits, 0.67 expected hits Italians roll dice for 3 Armours, 4 Artillerys, 3 EarlyFighters, 4 Elites and 1 Fighter in Cairo, round 2 : 6/1 hits, 6.33 expected hits British roll dice for 4 Armours, 6 Bigarmours, 1 EarlyFighter and 1 Fighter in Cairo, round 2 : 7/1 hits, 7.17 expected hits 1 Bigarmour owned by the British, 2 Elites owned by the Italians, 4 Armours owned by the British, 2 Artillerys owned by the Italians, 1 EarlyFighter owned by the British and 3 EarlyFighters owned by the Italians lost in Cairo Italians roll dice for 3 Armours, 2 Artillerys, 2 Elites and 1 Fighter in Cairo, round 3 : 4/1 hits, 3.67 expected hits British roll dice for 5 Bigarmours and 1 Fighter in Cairo, round 3 : 4/0 hits, 4.00 expected hits 4 Bigarmours owned by the British, 2 Elites owned by the Italians and 2 Artillerys owned by the Italians lost in Cairo Italians roll dice for 3 Armours and 1 Fighter in Cairo, round 4 : 2/0 hits, 2.00 expected hits British roll dice for 1 Bigarmour and 1 Fighter in Cairo, round 4 : 1/1 hits, 1.33 expected hits 1 Bigarmour owned by the British, 1 Fighter owned by the British and 1 Armour owned by the Italians lost in Cairo Italians win, taking Cairo from British with 2 Armours and 1 Fighter remaining. Battle score for attacker is 23 Casualties for Italians: 1 Armour, 4 Artillerys, 3 EarlyFighters and 4 Elites Casualties for British: 4 Armours, 6 Bigarmours, 1 EarlyFighter and 1 Fighter Non Combat Move - Italians 1 Fighter moved from Cairo to N.Egypt 1 EarlyFighter moved from C.Morocco to Alger 1 EarlyFighter moved from Alger to C.Algeria 1 Fighter moved from Bilbao to Barcelona Place Units - Italians 5 Bigarmours placed in Greece 2 Armours and 1 Bigarmour placed in Barcelona 1 Armour and 2 Infantrys placed in Tunis 2 S.Subs placed in sz50 Turn Complete - Italians Italians collect 94 PUs; end with 94 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Neutral : -1.00 Italians : -2.00 British : -0.50 AA fire in C.Morocco : : -0.17 AA fire in Cairo : : -0.67 ColonialFrench : -0.67
TripleA Turn Summary: British round 5
TripleA Turn Summary for game: New World Order, version: 1.8.7
Game History
Round: 5 Combat Move - British 1 Infantry moved from sz56 to Cairo 1 Artillery moved from S.Egypt to Cairo 1 Infantry moved from S.Egypt to Cairo 1 Mech.Inf moved from S.Egypt to Cairo 1 Destroyer moved from sz54 to sz56 1 Cruiser moved from sz54 to sz56 5 EarlyFighters moved from S.Hempton to N.Scottland 1 Bomber moved from S.Hempton to N.Scottland 1 Armour moved from N.Castle to N.Scottland 1 Armour moved from Dover to sz30 1 Infantry moved from S.Hempton to sz30 1 Artillery moved from Dover to sz30 1 Infantry moved from S.Hempton to sz30 1 Artillery moved from S.Hempton to sz30 1 Artillery moved from Dover to sz30 1 Infantry moved from S.Hempton to sz30 1 Artillery moved from Dover to sz30 1 Infantry moved from S.Hempton to sz30 1 Infantry moved from S.Hempton to sz30 5 Infantrys moved from sz30 to Normandy 1 Armour moved from sz30 to Normandy 4 Artillerys moved from sz30 to Normandy Purchase Units - British British buy 1 Armour, 4 Artillerys, 2 Bigarmours, 1 EarlyFighter, 1 Elite, 2 Infantrys and 2 Transports; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Combat - British Battle in Cairo British attack with 1 Artillery, 2 Infantrys and 1 Mech.Inf Italians defend with 1 AAGun, 2 Armours and 1 Factory British roll dice for 1 Cruiser in Cairo, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.50 expected hits British roll dice for 1 Artillery, 2 Infantrys and 1 Mech.Inf in Cairo, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 1.33 expected hits Italians roll dice for 2 Armours in Cairo, round 2 : 1/0 hits, 1.00 expected hits 1 Armour owned by the Italians and 1 Infantry owned by the British lost in Cairo British roll dice for 1 Artillery, 1 Infantry and 1 Mech.Inf in Cairo, round 3 : 1/0 hits, 1.00 expected hits Italians roll dice for 1 Armour in Cairo, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 0.50 expected hits 1 Armour owned by the Italians and 1 Infantry owned by the British lost in Cairo British win, taking Cairo from Italians with 1 Artillery and 1 Mech.Inf remaining. Battle score for attacker is 6 Casualties for British: 2 Infantrys Casualties for Italians: 2 Armours Battle in N.Scottland British attack with 1 Armour, 1 Bomber and 5 EarlyFighters Germans defend with 1 AAGun, 1 Elite, 1 Factory, 2 Infantrys and 1 Panzer AA fire in N.Scottland : 1/0 hits, 1.00 expected hits 1 EarlyFighter owned by the British lost in N.Scottland British roll dice for 1 Armour, 1 Bomber and 4 EarlyFighters in N.Scottland, round 2 : 2/1 hits, 2.50 expected hits Germans roll dice for 1 Elite, 2 Infantrys and 1 Panzer in N.Scottland, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 1.50 expected hits 1 Elite owned by the Germans, 1 Panzer owned by the Germans and 1 EarlyFighter owned by the British lost in N.Scottland British roll dice for 1 Armour, 1 Bomber and 3 EarlyFighters in N.Scottland, round 3 : 2/1 hits, 2.17 expected hits Germans roll dice for 2 Infantrys in N.Scottland, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0.67 expected hits 2 Infantrys owned by the Germans lost in N.Scottland British win, taking N.Scottland from Germans with 1 Armour, 1 Bomber and 3 EarlyFighters remaining. Battle score for attacker is -4 Casualties for British: 2 EarlyFighters Casualties for Germans: 1 Elite, 2 Infantrys and 1 Panzer Battle in Normandy British attack with 1 Armour, 4 Artillerys and 5 Infantrys Germans defend with 1 Artillery, 2 Infantrys and 5 Panzers British roll dice for 2 Battleships in Normandy, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 1.33 expected hits 1 Infantry owned by the Germans lost in Normandy British roll dice for 1 Armour, 4 Artillerys and 5 Infantrys in Normandy, round 2 : 3/1 hits, 3.33 expected hits Germans roll dice for 1 Artillery, 1 Infantry and 5 Panzers in Normandy, round 2 : 3/1 hits, 3.17 expected hits 3 Panzers owned by the Germans and 3 Infantrys owned by the British lost in Normandy British roll dice for 1 Armour, 4 Artillerys and 2 Infantrys in Normandy, round 3 : 3/1 hits, 2.50 expected hits Germans roll dice for 1 Artillery, 1 Infantry and 2 Panzers in Normandy, round 3 : 2/1 hits, 1.67 expected hits 1 Artillery owned by the Germans, 1 Panzer owned by the Germans, 1 Infantry owned by the Germans and 2 Infantrys owned by the British lost in Normandy British roll dice for 1 Armour and 4 Artillerys in Normandy, round 4 : 1/1 hits, 1.83 expected hits Germans roll dice for 1 Panzer in Normandy, round 4 : 0/1 hits, 0.50 expected hits 1 Panzer owned by the Germans lost in Normandy British win, taking Normandy from Germans with 1 Armour and 4 Artillerys remaining. Battle score for attacker is 23 Casualties for Germans: 1 Artillery, 2 Infantrys and 5 Panzers Casualties for British: 5 Infantrys Non Combat Move - British 3 EarlyFighters moved from N.Scottland to E.Scottland 1 Bomber moved from N.Scottland to E.Scottland Place Units - British 2 Transports placed in sz30 1 Armour, 3 Artillerys, 2 Bigarmours, 1 EarlyFighter and 1 Elite placed in London 1 Artillery and 2 Infantrys were produced but were not placed Turn Complete - British British collect 61 PUs; end with 61 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Germans : -1.50 British : -2.50 Italians : 0.50 AA fire in N.Scottland : : 0.00
TripleA Turn Summary: Romanians round 5
TripleA Turn Summary for game: New World Order, version: 1.8.7
Game History
Round: 5 Combat Move - Romanians 4 Infantrys moved from Odessa to Donetsk 2 Mech.Infs moved from W.Romania to Donetsk 1 Armour moved from W.Romania to Odessa 1 Armour moved from Odessa to Donetsk 1 EarlyFighter moved from Ukrainskaya to Donetsk Purchase Units - Romanians Romanians buy 4 Mot.Infs; Remaining resources: 3 PUs; Combat - Romanians Non Combat Move - Romanians Place Units - Romanians 4 Mot.Infs placed in W.Romania Turn Complete - Romanians Romanians collect 18 PUs; end with 21 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
TripleA Turn Summary: Americans round 5
TripleA Turn Summary for game: New World Order, version: 1.8.7
Game History
Round: 5 Combat Move - Americans 1 Infantry moved from Washington to sz2 1 Bigarmour moved from E.U.S to sz2 1 Infantry moved from E.U.S to sz2 1 Infantry moved from Washington to sz2 1 Infantry moved from E.U.S to sz2 1 Artillery moved from E.U.S to sz2 1 Infantry moved from E.U.S to sz2 1 Infantry moved from Washington to sz2 1 Infantry moved from E.U.S to sz2 1 Infantry moved from E.U.S to sz2 1 Submarine moved from sz10 to sz31 4 Destroyers moved from sz10 to sz31 3 Armours, 3 Artillerys, 6 Infantrys and 6 Transports moved from sz10 to sz31 3 Carriers moved from sz10 to sz31 2 EarlyFighters moved from sz10 to Normandy 2 Battleships moved from sz10 to sz31 1 Artillery, 1 Bigarmour, 8 Infantrys and 5 Transports moved from sz2 to sz11 1 T.Boat moved from sz7 to sz11 Purchase Units - Americans Americans buy 1 Armour, 2 Artillerys, 1 Bigarmour, 3 Elites, 1 Infantry, 1 Mech.Inf and 5 Transports; Remaining resources: 1 PUs; Non Combat Move - Americans Place Units - Americans 5 Transports placed in sz2 1 Armour, 1 Bigarmour and 1 Elite placed in E.U.S 2 Artillerys, 2 Elites, 1 Infantry and 1 Mech.Inf were produced but were not placed Turn Complete - Americans Americans collect 72 PUs; end with 73 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
TripleA Turn Summary: Germans round 6
TripleA Turn Summary for game: New World Order, version: 1.8.7
Game History
Round: 6 Combat Move - Germans 4 Bigarmours moved from Ukrainskaya to Kursk 3 Panzers moved from Ukrainskaya to Kursk 1 Panzer moved from Leningrad to S.Finnland Germans take Vyborg from Russians Germans take S.Finnland from Russians 1 Panzer moved from Leningrad to C.Finnland Germans take C.Finnland from Russians 1 Panzer moved from Leningrad to Archangelsk Germans take Karchia from Russians Germans take Archangelsk from Russians 1 Panzer moved from Leningrad to Belomorsk Germans take Belomorsk from Russians 1 Panzer moved from Rzhev to Nikolsk Germans take Yaroslavl from Russians Germans take Nikolsk from Russians 2 Panzers moved from Leningrad to Olonets 4 Transports moved from sz28 to sz27 2 Infantrys moved from Litovskaya to sz27 2 Infantrys and 2 Panzers moved from Litovskaya to sz27 4 Infantrys, 2 Panzers and 3 Transports moved from sz27 to sz28 2 Panzers moved from sz28 to N.Finnland 4 Infantrys moved from sz28 to N.Finnland 1 Panzer moved from Leningrad to Olonets 1 Panzer moved from Leningrad to Vologda Germans take Vologda from Russians 4 Panzers moved from Minsk to Kursk 4 Bigarmours moved from Brest to Rzhev 1 Infantry moved from Smolensk to Rzhev 1 Fighter moved from Smolensk to Rzhev 2 EarlyFighters moved from Smolensk to Rzhev 4 Bigarmours and 3 Panzers moved from Estonia to Rzhev 6 Panzers moved from Lvov to Minsk 1 Artillery and 9 Infantrys moved from Brest to Smolensk 4 Bigarmours moved from Warzawa to Brest 5 Infantrys moved from Ukrainskaya to Minsk 3 Infantrys moved from Lvov to Ukrainskaya 8 Infantrys moved from Le Havre to Normandy 3 Panzers moved from Le Havre to Normandy 2 Bombers moved from Bremen to Normandy 1 Transport moved from sz27 to sz26 2 Infantrys moved from Denmark to sz26 2 Infantrys moved from sz26 to S.Norway 1 Battleship, 2 Destroyers, 4 Submarines and 2 Transports moved from sz18 to sz25 1 Bomber moved from Smolensk to Kursk 2 EarlyFighters moved from Rzhev to Kursk 1 Fighter moved from Rzhev to Kursk Purchase Units - Germans Germans buy 15 Bigarmours, 4 Infantrys and 3 S.Subs; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Combat - Germans Battle in S.Norway Germans attack with 2 Infantrys Neutral defend with 1 Bunker Germans roll dice for 2 Infantrys in S.Norway, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits Neutral roll dice for 1 Bunker in S.Norway, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.50 expected hits Germans roll dice for 2 Infantrys in S.Norway, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits Neutral roll dice for 1 Bunker in S.Norway, round 3 : 0/1 hits, 0.50 expected hits Germans roll dice for 2 Infantrys in S.Norway, round 4 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits Neutral roll dice for 1 Bunker in S.Norway, round 4 : 0/1 hits, 0.50 expected hits Germans roll dice for 2 Infantrys in S.Norway, round 5 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits Units damaged: 1 Bunker owned by the Neutral Neutral roll dice for 1 Bunker in S.Norway, round 5 : 0/1 hits, 0.50 expected hits Germans roll dice for 2 Infantrys in S.Norway, round 6 : 0/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits Neutral roll dice for 1 Bunker in S.Norway, round 6 : 1/1 hits, 0.50 expected hits 1 Infantry owned by the Germans lost in S.Norway Germans roll dice for 1 Infantry in S.Norway, round 7 : 0/1 hits, 0.17 expected hits Neutral roll dice for 1 Bunker in S.Norway, round 7 : 1/1 hits, 0.50 expected hits 1 Infantry owned by the Germans lost in S.Norway Neutral win with 1 Bunker remaining. Battle score for attacker is -4 Casualties for Germans: 2 Infantrys Battle in Kursk Germans attack with 4 Bigarmours, 1 Bomber, 2 EarlyFighters, 1 Fighter and 7 Panzers Russians defend with 7 Infantrys Germans roll dice for 4 Bigarmours, 1 Bomber, 2 EarlyFighters, 1 Fighter and 7 Panzers in Kursk, round 2 : 8/0 hits, 8.00 expected hits Russians roll dice for 7 Infantrys in Kursk, round 2 : 2/1 hits, 2.33 expected hits 7 Infantrys owned by the Russians and 2 Panzers owned by the Germans lost in Kursk Germans win, taking Kursk from Russians with 4 Bigarmours, 1 Bomber, 2 EarlyFighters, 1 Fighter and 5 Panzers remaining. Battle score for attacker is 4 Casualties for Germans: 2 Panzers Casualties for Russians: 7 Infantrys Battle in Normandy Germans attack with 2 Bombers, 8 Infantrys and 3 Panzers British defend with 1 Armour and 4 Artillerys; Americans defend with 2 EarlyFighters Germans roll dice for 2 Bombers, 8 Infantrys and 3 Panzers in Normandy, round 2 : 4/1 hits, 4.17 expected hits British roll dice for 1 Armour, 4 Artillerys and 2 EarlyFighters in Normandy, round 2 : 2/1 hits, 2.83 expected hits 2 Infantrys owned by the Germans and 4 Artillerys owned by the British lost in Normandy Germans roll dice for 2 Bombers, 6 Infantrys and 3 Panzers in Normandy, round 3 : 4/1 hits, 3.83 expected hits British roll dice for 1 Armour and 2 EarlyFighters in Normandy, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 1.50 expected hits 1 Armour owned by the British, 1 Infantry owned by the Germans and 2 EarlyFighters owned by the Americans lost in Normandy Germans win, taking Normandy from British with 2 Bombers, 5 Infantrys and 3 Panzers remaining. Battle score for attacker is 31 Casualties for Germans: 3 Infantrys Casualties for British: 1 Armour and 4 Artillerys Casualties for Americans: 2 EarlyFighters Battle in N.Finnland Germans attack with 4 Infantrys and 2 Panzers Russians defend with 1 AAGun, 1 Armour and 1 Factory Germans roll dice for 4 Infantrys and 2 Panzers in N.Finnland, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 1.67 expected hits Russians roll dice for 1 Armour in N.Finnland, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 0.50 expected hits 1 Infantry owned by the Germans and 1 Armour owned by the Russians lost in N.Finnland Germans win, taking N.Finnland from Russians, taking Vyborg from Germans, taking C.Finnland from Germans, taking S.Finnland from Germans with 3 Infantrys and 2 Panzers remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3 Casualties for Germans: 1 Infantry Casualties for Russians: 1 Armour Battle in Olonets Germans attack with 3 Panzers Russians defend with 2 Infantrys Germans roll dice for 3 Panzers in Olonets, round 2 : 1/1 hits, 1.50 expected hits Russians roll dice for 2 Infantrys in Olonets, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.67 expected hits 1 Infantry owned by the Russians lost in Olonets Germans roll dice for 3 Panzers in Olonets, round 3 : 2/1 hits, 1.50 expected hits Russians roll dice for 1 Infantry in Olonets, round 3 : 1/1 hits, 0.33 expected hits 1 Infantry owned by the Russians and 1 Panzer owned by the Germans lost in Olonets Germans win, taking Olonets from Russians with 2 Panzers remaining. Battle score for attacker is -1 Casualties for Russians: 2 Infantrys Casualties for Germans: 1 Panzer Non Combat Move - Germans 2 Destroyers moved from sz28 to sz26 1 S.Sub moved from sz26 to sz29 1 S.Sub moved from sz26 to sz24 1 S.Sub moved from sz26 to sz23 2 Bombers moved from Normandy to Bourges 5 Infantrys moved from Lille to Le Havre 5 Infantrys moved from Paris to Lille 5 Infantrys moved from Belgium to Lille 3 Infantrys moved from Bremen to Netherlands 1 Fighter moved from Kursk to Rzhev 2 EarlyFighters moved from Kursk to Rzhev 1 Bomber moved from Kursk to Smolensk Place Units - Germans 4 Bigarmours placed in Ukrainskaya 4 Bigarmours placed in Leningrad 4 Bigarmours placed in Paris 4 Infantrys placed in Paris 3 Bigarmours placed in Le Havre 3 S.Subs placed in sz25 Turn Complete - Germans Germans collect 151 PUs; end with 151 PUs 1 unit repaired.
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Germans : -1.50 Neutral : -1.00 British : -1.33 Russians : 0.17