A well known concept idea, eventually just for fun.
Settlers searching for new lands.
Oh look, there is a forest with some wildlife and mushrooms. Lets stay and establish a Campsite.
(consumes Settlers)
We need to clear that forest to have building material and more room to settle. Lumbermen lets go.
Awesome. We now officially settled down and built some houses and so we can call it Settlement obviously. (consumes Lumbermen, Campsite)
Well. We need more food. The hunters cannot find anything more. Crap, we need to go from hunting to agriculture now. Lets build a Farm.
Now we have enough food to grow. And new people arrived. What is a Hamlet? Ah ok, just a settlement with some houses more for those farmers and people. lol (consumes Farm, Settlement)
Now we could have some cattle to help us do the hard work, and they can give us so much more stuff, even if we dont kill them. Would be stupid to kill your Livestock.
Ok now. We did it. Welcome to the total food autonomy. We have enough food for more in our small Village. (consumes Livestock, Hamlet)
Listen, our scouts found a little mountain behind that corner, and we could get some metal work going. Because, well, it is so shiny and so precious, and deadly if its sharp. Blacksmith? Are you there? Need a job?
More people incoming. I say, lets build some more houses. Our Town needs to be prepared for those newcomers. And btw, we need to go more civilized and better architectural representation of our culture and stuff, so the reader can follow the evolution from a shithole of place to a antiquity style of building structure if he looks at it. (consumes Blacksmith, Village)
Well, how about floating water above stonewalls and stuff? This is it. The newest shit. Because of this, even our shit will float away. Its called Aqueduct they say.
If we heat up that water with a fire, we would have a Thermae. They are a wonderfull place to relax after every hard work.
At some point, you just cannot call such a living place town anymore. Its a City. Yes you heard that right. (consumes Town, Aqueduct, Thermae)
Oh my God. We have now a Temple? Are you kidding me?
Lets say there are enemies out there. Do you think a Stonewall would hold them off? I dont know, lets do it anyway.
Because we have so much people now, they already leaving to find new lands to settle down, and this is their mothercity. Do you know the meaning of the word Metropolis? (consumes City, Stonewall, Temple)
eventually to be continued.
I hope you like it.
@TorpedoA Nice! Reminds me of Tribal Wars (https://www.tribalwars.net/en-dk/)
@djabwana Thanks. Did you play that game?
@TorpedoA Oh yes! it was very fun. But now I don't have time to play it, because it was happening 24/7 and so you had to plan raids at specific times regardless of your personal schedule
Now that I have a job and kids I can't do it any more.
Since TripleA supports different resource types, I really like this idea of a building-heavy game where the buildings themselves produce different resource types (wood, wheat, iron, etc.) which can be used to build the units (and then the fancier buildings can produce fancier upgraded units), more like Tribal Wars, Age of Empires, etc. instead of the typical- territories = money, money buys units. Very clever!