not sure if this is 2.6 related or global 1940 house rules
Re: 2.6 Testing (Report 2.6 problems here)
ANZAC (as AI) was able to ignore subs in SZ 91 and attack Moracco with just transports. I'm certain I (human) accidentally tried to ignore a sub in 99 to attack greece with a transport and a popup warned me it would be sunk. sea battles should come first.
@martymoose right on. Can you post a saved game ?
@beelee3 no sadly, I clear my saved games folders between games. Love the map
@martymoose no worries. If you get a future problem a save is big help. I can try and recreate.
If you're playing a 2.6 pre and get an error or weird behavior I'd make a save. Check if it happens with 2.5 and if not post to the 2.6 testing thread you're enjoying the mod : )
@beelee3 I was able to find and restore the file. it is attached Here's a screenshot. On another note. in 2.6 You definitely cannot add British units using edit. Oddly you can add UK Pacific or any other units. But UK Pacific units can only be moved using edit and AI ignores using them. it works fine in 2.5. I like alot of the changes in 2.6, so I'll probably use a workaround when I play allies, of anticipating edits and buying them with a major factory for just this, then editing PUs moving units and continuing
@martymoose right on so I would post a save with 2.5 showing the UK editing correctly and then a 2.6 where it doesn't work on the 2.6 testing thread so those guys can fix it
@beelee3 will do. what do you thoink about anzac ignoring subs? Am I incorrect?
@martymoose I haven't had a chance to check yet. I'll try and give it a look soon