User actions question
This is the properties info for a user action. What is the "other_notification_success" line for?
USA_Brazil_5_PUs.BUTTON=Brazil USA_Brazil_5_PUs.DESCRIPTION=Supply 5 PUs to the war effort in Brazil. USA_Brazil_5_PUs.NOTIFICATION_SUCCESS=5 PUs sent to Brazil. USA_Brazil_5_PUs.OTHER_NOTIFICATION_SUCCESS=USA shiped Lend-Lease aid to Brazil.
edit: extra question
And what is this trigger for? It is from @Frostion's Iron War map.
<attachment name="triggerAttachment_Balkan_receive_financial_support-2" attachTo="Germany" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.TriggerAttachment" type="player"> <option name="notification" value="aid"/> </attachment>