#1: Panzerstahl-Helm (Axis) vs. Trout (Allies) | G40 House Rules Expansion by The Captain
@panzerstahl-helm-0 Okay, need a little help from you or Beelee before I do this. I am attacking E. Poland and I am very confused as to how to do the battle when there are Armies, Army Groups, etc. present. So you have an Army Group + 1 Oberst and I have one Commissar with three tanks. It's a crucial battle obviously so I want to get it right before doing it. SOS.
You need to move all the German dudes from their boxes to E POL first.
You also need to swap out your Commiesar before moving from Belarus to the attack for the active one.I'll post a save in a few showing it in detail.
@beelee Thanks! Appreciate it- I also believe he gets two dice rolls with a Five if I am not mistaken
Yea his AG Flag will. Victory and I have found it best to fight these big ones in edit, otherwise the AG Flag gets a hit which it shouldn't.
And if unsure of casualty selection, to post by battle rd a screenshot and you can save by clicking on save mid battle but the hot key ctrl s won't work.
You can only have 1 Elite in the battle, so I left the one in Baltic there.
Click through History and it'll show you step by step
@beelee Thanks! Doing back of the napkin math now to see if I will get slaughtered before I fire bullets. If so, I will not attack.
@beelee Yikes! Battle calc didn't work for me but back of the napkin screamed don't do it. Your screen shot confirms it in a huge way. Yep hard for Soviets to get any traction until their Conscripts get into the action which hasn't happened yet. Always a bad sign for Allies when Italy is in the high 30's for income but no Soviet rescue this turn
@trout battle calc didn't work ?
Put cursor on the TTy and hit ctrl b
@panzerstahl-helm-0 Game History
Round: 6 Purchase Units - Russians Note to players Russians: It is Late 1942 and Our Factories have Begun Mass Tank Production ! You may now purchase 3 Tanks for 12 PUs. They can only be placed in Moscow. Trigger BuyMassTanks: buyMass_Tanks added to productionRussians Trigger Army ConscriptRemove: buyArmy_Conscript removed from productionRussians Trigger AlliesFtrAce: buyFighterAce added to productionRussians Russians buy 1 FighterAce, 3 Mass_Tankss, 1 Tank_General, 1 elite and 2 russian_paras; Remaining resources: 23 PUs; 0 AirLendLease; 3 TankLendLease; Combat Move - Russians Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceRussians: Russians has 1 R_Europe_Rail and 2 Russian_Rails placed in Russia Turning on Edit Mode EDIT: Russians takes Slovakia Hungary from Germans EDIT: Russians takes Romania from Germans EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode 1 artillery, 1 guard_infantry and 2 infantry moved from Volgograd to Caucasus EDIT: 1 russian_para moved from Belarus to Slovakia Hungary EDIT: 1 russian_para moved from Belarus to Romania Combat - Russians Battle in Caucasus Russians attack with 1 artillery, 1 guard_infantry and 2 infantry Germans defend with 1 german_para and 1 german_paraBoost Russians win, taking Caucasus from Germans with 1 artillery, 1 guard_infantry and 1 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 1 Casualties for Russians: 1 infantry Casualties for Germans: 1 german_para and 1 german_paraBoost Trigger Remove All ItaliansParaBoost: has removed 1 italian_paraBoost owned by Italians in Alexandria Trigger Remove All Wolfpack: has removed 1 Wolfpack owned by Germans in 112 Sea Zone Non Combat Move - Russians Trigger Wolfpack at112 SeaZones: Germans has 1 Wolfpack placed in 112 Sea Zone Trigger ItaliansParaBoost atAlexandria: Italians has 1 italian_paraBoost placed in Alexandria Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceRemoveRussians: has removed 1 R_Europe_Rail and 2 Russian_Rails owned by Russians in Belarus 1 elite moved from Belarus to Novgorod 3 Army_Conscripts and 1 elite moved from Bryansk to Belarus 1 Army_Conscript moved from Smolensk to Belarus 2 infantry moved from Rostov to Bryansk 1 armour and 1 fighter moved from Russia to Belarus 1 Army_Conscript and 1 R_Europe_Rail moved from Russia to Belarus 1 Army_Conscript and 1 Russian_Rail moved from Russia to Belarus 1 Army_Conscript and 1 Russian_Rail moved from Russia to Belarus 1 armour moved from Urals to Russia 1 Army_Conscript moved from Russia to Samara 3 Army_Conscripts moved from Russia to Smolensk 9 Army_Conscripts moved from Russia to Bryansk 1 infantry moved from Volgograd to Kazakhstan 1 infantry moved from Ukraine to Bryansk 1 infantry moved from Novgorod to Karelia Place Units - Russians 1 FighterAce, 3 Mass_Tankss, 1 Tank_General, 1 elite and 2 russian_paras placed in Russia Trigger MassTanksPlace3: has removed 3 Mass_Tankss owned by Russians in Russia Trigger MassTanksPlace3: Russians has 3 armour placed in Russia Turn Complete - Russians Trigger RussiansParaBoost atRomania: Russians has 1 russian_paraBoost placed in Romania Trigger RussiansParaBoost atSlovakia Hungary: Russians has 1 russian_paraBoost placed in Slovakia Hungary Russians collect 42 PUs; end with 65 PUs Objective Russians 2 Spread Of Communism: Russians met a national objective for an additional 6 PUs; end with 71 PUs