More design info
I would like to see the XML info tag expanded.
Currently it looks like this:
<info name="Age of Tribes: Primeval" version="1.0.7"/>
I would like something like:
<info name="Age of Tribes: Primeval" version="1.0.7"> <created date='2016.03.06'/> <updated date='2018.01.02'/> <credits> <design by='Frostion'/> <art by='Frostion:Cernel'/> <sounds by='jingles'/> ... </credits> </info>
If that is not backwards compatible, then how about a new tag?
No maps would be required to be updated, but new ones and updates could have it added.I know all that can be placed in the property "notes", but that is HTML and not easily parsed out.
Maybe the new UI could also use this in some way. -
After sleeping on it, I think the credits should be left to the HTML notes.
So the proposed info tag could just be :
<info name="Age of Tribes: Primeval" version="1.0.7" created='2016.03.06' updated='2018.01.02'/>