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Recent Posts

  • I noticed a few things when playing around with this...

    Currently when the Font Territory Name and PU display using the built-in method, the PU is displayed directly below the Territory Name and centered, but there is no offset for that.

    It's hard to describe
    so I'll use an image

    Territory Name


    Right now the PU part is default kerning like that

    So if you choose an say Font 12 pt, and you want TripleA to display both Territory names and Resources PU, it's trying to do that 12 pixels, right on top of 12 pixels without enough space in between, to account for say lower case letters, say g j y etc that drop below the line. Or basically however tall the Text is about half that space again empty above/below the line. So that letters won't appear bunched up on top of each other vertically.

    Right now PU and Labels are also controlled with the same Font size and color option, whereas it would be nice to have them handled separately. For example Larger PU, smaller Territory Name font size, or color.

    It would also be cool to have the outline option, the way that the Unit stack Font and Color gives us options to have a black border there, or whatever second color.

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  • C

    @zlefin I think @LaFayette is the one deciding about bots.

    Sounds too good to be true to me.

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  • Z

    EyesWideShut: zleflin -- did you know that triple can host nearly an unlimited amount of bots without paying
    EyesWideShut: for it?
    EyesWideShut: google cloud console
    Brennan has left
    zlefin: no, you should bring that up on the forum
    zlefin: I don't know the backend details, but nothing is ever truly free, but I'm sure the admins can check out its feasibility
    EyesWideShut: in fact i can host like 30 bots right now without paying lol
    EyesWideShut: it's totally feasible. i had hosted the ladder bots before
    EyesWideShut: triplea spends too much on hosted bots
    zlefin: it's far more productive to mention that on the forum than here, because the admins aren't here to hear you.
    zlefin: I recommend putting up a good forum post explaining your plan
    EyesWideShut: no, it's ok...
    Bigpapaof4 has joined
    EyesWideShut: i'm just saying 🙂
    zlefin: yes, you're just saying in the wrong place 😛
    Boston_NWO: it's a good suggestion. would help a lot
    EyesWideShut: likely. i'm telling you because you were just saying about killing bots
    EyesWideShut: as a moderator and adminm
    calbears72_: talk less and play - - - why you avoiding
    EyesWideShut: and i'm telling YOU that triple can host an unlimited amount of bots
    Boston_NWO: but as zlefin said, the right people aren't here
    EyesWideShut: for free
    zlefin: telling ME isn't helpful
    Ulyessys-S-Grant has joined
    calbears72_: two losses in a row are not reason to avoid
    coldcommand has joined
    zlefin: telling the right people the right details is.
    calbears72_: you are a better p than the losses represent
    EyesWideShut: ahhn the hell with it
    zlefin: also, repeatedly asserting something without explanation, rather than explaining and expounding
    EyesWideShut: where should i post?
    calbears72_: forum
    zlefin: https://forums.triplea-game.org/category/42/feature-requests-ideas
    zlefin: ty
    EyesWideShut: basically, google cloud console allows for free headless servers up to a certain point.
    bigpapaofnone has joined
    EyesWideShut: because triplea isn't necessarilly something that takes up too much resources
    EyesWideShut: you can set the headless server (from google) for literally thousands of bots as it's
    EyesWideShut: built for something more advanced
    calbears72_: revised - 402 for anyone looking for a game vs a discussion forum
    EyesWideShut: but i'm not an administraor.
    EyesWideShut: i'd be happy to help out if i were but no idea how that works
    EyesWideShut: next thing is that i know how to make the bots and maps crash free. the maps are not negotiating with the
    EyesWideShut: bots efficiently
    EyesWideShut: you can ask some players when i hosted two revised bots :p. truth
    zlefin: does the forum link not work for you?
    calbears72_: lol
    hbarca has joined
    TyrannicRanger has joined
    EyesWideShut: no, no one goes there anymore.
    hbarca has left
    EyesWideShut: the last post was 4 months ago
    zlefin: the forum is still used, just that subforum doesn't see much
    zlefin: but the forum itself still works and gets posts, and it's where thinsg like this get done
    EyesWideShut: hm sorry. it's defunct and i don't have the energy for it.
    bigpapaof6 has joined
    EyesWideShut: so it will be a voice in the dark vacuum :
    EyesWideShut: 😛
    djfruda has joined
    EyesWideShut: (and honestly i don't care)
    EyesWideShut: and neither do you :p. it's just a waste of resources
    zlefin: no, it's no tdefunct, and at this point you're really comin across rude, saying "you could totally fix your problem easily for free"
    zlefin: "but no I won' texplain or use the proper venue, I'll just keep repeatin gmy claim"
    EyesWideShut: well, it's true !
    EyesWideShut: 😛

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  • B


    yea, what I started doing is rolling for all the units and give the first ones to INF, then Arty, Tanks etc

    so 3 Inf 1 Arty and 2 tanks is 6 dice first 3 are the Inf, 4th is Arty and the last two the tanks

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