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  • W


    Would be easy enough to do, there is a section of code in the engine that takes into account the type of unit, and blocks certain options based on the type, air, sea or land.

    But as was done with "isStrategicBomber", which was blocked for land units, can cause side effects in the rest of the code.

    There would need to be a discussion how to treat air units prior to allowing them "transportCost".


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  • I am currently working on a module for A&A WW1 1914, where you can transport air units on naval transports. Sadly this is not possible to implement in TripleA. It might be handy to add this feature because in any WW1 game fighters must be navally transported so that they can traverse long distances over sea.

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  • @cernel Thx for your advise.
    I forwarded it here:

    fasthard created this issue in triplea-game/triplea open Assign aircraft to carrier #12677

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