End turn trigger calculation
I wrote small code that gives 5 pu to Germans at the end of his turn, if Holland is contolled by Neutral_True. It appears below the screen as +5 but doesn't be collected at the end of the turn. It didn't shown in end turn summary too. So, what should I add to my code to show it in end turn summary and make true calculation?
<attachment name="conditionAttachment_Germans_Check_Neutral_Netherlands" attachTo="Neutral_True" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.RulesAttachment" type="player"> <option name="directOwnershipTerritories" value="Holland" count="1"/> </attachment> <attachment name="conditionAttachment_Germans_Neutral_Netherlands" attachTo="Germans" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.RulesAttachment" type="player"> <option name="conditions" value="conditionAttachment_Germans_Check_Neutral_Netherlands"/> </attachment> <!-- Germans Triggers --> <attachment name="triggerAttachment_Germans_Neutral_Netherlands_Imports" attachTo="Germans" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.TriggerAttachment" type="player"> <option name="trigger" value="conditionAttachment_Germans_Neutral_Netherlands"/> <option name="resource" value="PUs"/> <option name="resourceCount" value="5"/> </attachment>
Additional question: Pact of Steel 2 says that Strategic Bombing can do damage directly player's PUs. How can add ability to my zeppelins damage directly to the player's PUs?
<!-- Damage From Bombing Done To Units Instead Of Territories has Strategic Bombing and Rockets do damage to a specific unit rather than directly to the player's PUs or to a territory. --> <property name="Damage From Bombing Done To Units Instead Of Territories" value="true" editable="false"> <boolean/> </property>
Second question first. To change SBR damage to affect PUs change the property to false:
<!-- Damage From Bombing Done To Units Instead Of Territories has Strategic Bombing and Rockets do damage to a specific unit rather than directly to the player's PUs or to a territory. --> <property name="Damage From Bombing Done To Units Instead Of Territories" value="false" editable="false"> <boolean/> </property>
Change the second condition in your first example to a 'National Objective':
<attachment name="objectiveAttachment_Germans_Neutral_Netherlands_Imports" attachTo="Germans" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.RulesAttachment" type="player"> <option name="conditions" value="conditionAttachment_Germans_Neutral_Netherlands"/> <option name="objectiveValue" value="5"/> </attachment>
Now the trigger is not needed.
Or just add a "when" option to the trigger:
<!-- Germans Triggers --> <attachment name="triggerAttachment_Germans_Neutral_Netherlands_Imports" attachTo="Germans" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.TriggerAttachment" type="player"> <!--- changed trigger to conditions --> <option name="conditions" value="conditionAttachment_Germans_Neutral_Netherlands"/> <option name="resource" value="PUs"/> <option name="resourceCount" value="5"/> <option name="when" value="after:germanyEndTurn"/> </attachment>
Both way should work for what you are asking.
@wc_sumpton Thanks for your helpful support. I changed it but didn't work. Holland is controlled by Neutral_True initially.
<attachment name="conditionAttachment_Germans_Neutral_Netherlands" attachTo="Neutral_True" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.RulesAttachment" type="player"> <option name="directOwnershipTerritories" value="Holland" count="1"/> </attachment> <!-- Germans Triggers --> <attachment name="triggerAttachment_Germans_Neutral_Netherlands_Imports" attachTo="Germans" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.TriggerAttachment" type="player"> <!--- changed trigger to conditions --> <option name="conditions" value="conditionAttachment_Germans_Neutral_Netherlands"/> <option name="resource" value="PUs"/> <option name="resourceCount" value="5"/> <option name="when" value="after:germanyEndTurn"/> </attachment>
@stalinpasha double check "after:germanyEndTurn" usually it'll be the same as attachTo="Germans" but not always.
If I am understanding you correctly Neutral_True control Holland at the start of the game, and as long as Neutral_True retain control of Holland you want Germany to collect an additional 5PUs. Also you did not report any errors so you must have caught my "condition" value="conditionAttachment_Germans_Neutral_Netherlands" should have been "conditionAttachment_Germans_Check_Neutral_Netherlands". One more thing, the switch that needs a switch<property name="National Objectives" value="true" editable="false"> <boolean/> </property>
In summery, your first condition with the national objective:
<attachment name="conditionAttachment_Germans_Check_Neutral_Netherlands" attachTo="Neutral_True" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.RulesAttachment" type="player"> <option name="directOwnershipTerritories" value="Holland" count="1"/> </attachment> <attachment name="objectiveAttachment_Germans_Neutral_Netherlands_Imports" attachTo="Germans" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.RulesAttachment" type="player"> <option name="conditions" value="conditionAttachment_Germans_Check_Neutral_Netherlands"/> <option name="objectiveValue" value="5"/> </attachment>
With the property switch, should give you what you want.
@beelee good catch, but I think @stalinpasha was trying the first part. Still a very good catch!!
@wc_sumpton Thanks a lot. Finally, I have hunger games in Germany:D
Any recommends how I add tech to map? I tried to copy from other maps but didn't success yet.
First check your properties:<property name="Tech Development" value="true" editable="true"> <boolean/> </property>
Also depending on how the tech is to be selected you may want to check some of these:
<!-- ww2v2 rules override many individual rules to create revised rules --> <property name="WW2V2" value="false" editable="false"> <boolean/> </property> <!-- Unlike the WW2V2 option, WW2V3 actually sets very little: If no techs specified then it will create WW2V3 default techs, and if a game is not WW2V2 and not WW2V3, then it must be 'classic' rules [this is applicable for when rockets fire, and how aa guns may stack, the default win conditions for classic games, and that air units create retreat paths for ground/sea units]--> <property name="WW2V3" value="true" editable="false"> <boolean/> </property> <property name="WW2V3 Tech Model" value="true" editable="false"> <boolean/> </property>
If these are set and you are still having problems, let the board know. We are here to help!
I receive java null pointer exception, when I got hit. My custom tech is about unlocking ww1 tank. I think my buytank productionRule works well, so exception related to tech activation.
<technology> <technologies> <techname name="caterpillar_combat_vehicle"/> </technologies> <playerTech player="AustroHungarians"> <category name="caterpillar_combat_vehicle"> <tech name="caterpillar_combat_vehicle"/> </category> </playerTech> </technology> <attachment name="conditionAttachmentUnlockTankA" attachTo="AustroHungarians" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.RulesAttachment" type="player"> <option name="techs" value="caterpillar_combat_vehicle" count="1"/> </attachment> <attachment name="triggerAttachmentAustriaUnlockTank" attachTo="AustroHungarians" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.TriggerAttachment" type="player"> <option name="trigger" value="conditionAttachmentUnlockTankA"/> <option name="productionRule" value="productionAustroHungarians:buytank"/> <option name="uses" value="1"/> <option name="when" value="after:austrohungariansTechActivation"/> </attachment>
Error Log:
Tem 31, 2020 6:55:34 AM games.strategy.engine.framework.GameRunner lambda$start$0
SEVERE: null
at games.strategy.engine.data.changefactory.GenericTechChange.<init>(GenericTechChange.java:22)
at games.strategy.engine.data.changefactory.ChangeFactory.genericTechChange(ChangeFactory.java:184)
at games.strategy.triplea.delegate.TechTracker.addAdvance(TechTracker.java:62)
at games.strategy.triplea.delegate.TechActivationDelegate.start(TechActivationDelegate.java:51)
at games.strategy.engine.framework.ServerGame.startStep(ServerGame.java:511)
at games.strategy.engine.framework.ServerGame.runStep(ServerGame.java:414)
at games.strategy.engine.framework.ServerGame.startGame(ServerGame.java:290)
at java.util.Optional.ifPresent(Unknown Source)
at games.strategy.engine.framework.startup.launcher.LocalLauncher.launchInNewThread(LocalLauncher.java:41)
at games.strategy.engine.framework.startup.launcher.AbstractLauncher.lambda$launch$0(AbstractLauncher.java:51)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)List of rules that I added:
<property name="Tech Development" value="true" editable="true"> <boolean/> </property> <property name="Remove All Tech Tokens At End Of Turn" value="false" editable="true"> <boolean/> </property> <property name="WW2V3" value="true" editable="false"> <boolean/> </property> <property name="WW2V3 Tech Model" value="true" editable="false"> <boolean/> </property> <property name="Selectable Tech Roll" value="false" editable="false"> <boolean/> </property>
@stalinpasha yea I agree it doesn't seem to be activating correctly. I'm not sure what the "ChangeFactory" is about. At any rate, do you have:
<delegate name="tech_activation" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.delegate.TechActivationDelegate" display="Activate Technology"/>
All I can think of at the moment. The Wizard wc_ probably chime in soon