Ladder stories
Hello guys,
I could not post there:
so I put it down here for a lack of a better alternative. You know I take this easy and I will not digress or transgress into the actually funny details of what was going on. It is also not too important, so I will stick to the important:
Over the last two days someone I must not name developed a habit. That habit was to look into the chat and if I had written like 4 lines, even if I was chatting with someone, no matter how long ago, this guy would write into the lobby: "Stop spamming" and I dont want to go into detail about the difference between "spamming" and "writing", which this guy based on the following might not even grasp if this was his only job for the next three years and he had assistance by personal coaches, teachers and so forth.
And I read this and I am undecided whether to respond or not. If I dont reply he will say: Maniac ignores me. If I like say: Yes. totally ignoring that I had already stopped and this answer doesnt even make much sense hed be happy, because apparently his goal isnt to make me stop something but anything else worth probably only a further investigation by a psychologist. I assume some form of sadism.
So. He did this the first time and I said nothing. Then he kicked me. I dont even know why. At this point. I came back and asked him why he kicked me. I had followed to "stop" rule. And he says something which makes no sense. So since them I question if the guy speaks English.
Next occasion next day. I was in a conversation and a few minutes later my subject of interest appeared in the chat telling me to "stop". And I think by myself: Is there even a right answer beside the dadaistic "Yes Sir"? what kind of answer would someone actually expect who tells someone who stopped to stop. Especially if that someone in the past sanctioned you even after you fullfilled his request twice.
At this point reason probably got in my way. He obviously doesnt understand that his request makes no sense at all. I dont want to imply he is stupid. Lets call it "his intelligence seemingly is on a level I have to adjust to".
So the second time passed by and the next day it happened for a third time. And Iam like: I am not even sure if I am allowed to respond to you or not. and hes like: Permission to speak. And I am like: great, I have his ear.
And I am like: What do you actually expect me to reply? If I point out that I already stopped and every time maybe he thinks I wanna portrait him as an idiot. And I think: Why would I want this? I couldnt do it better than he already does. and I say like: If you were a parent, you would tell your kid to "stop" and your kid, that has stopped long ago, would be thinking "Are you dumb, dad?" and say nothing and youd go ahead, slap the kid and scream "I TOLD YOU TO STOP".
and he felt insulted I assume and I just wanted to inform him the situation he is putting me in. Reflection is apparently his strong suit, because he then banned me for an hour.
Lets leave aside the thing that this obvious bully (otherwise replace by "person with a serious need for assistance with intellectual problems") sits in the lobby and jumps at me every time he can.I deduced that everything depends on the following question:
Does he have the family ladder in his cellar or is it still with his family or was he given his own personal ladder, when growing up?
Because this man and by inference his parents and their parents have a tradition not of falling off the ladder occasionally. No. A standard human will not become this level of maliciously stupid by falling from a ladder occasionally.
So I derived: There must be a family ladder and for every member an own personal ladder. Obviously other people go to Church on sundays. This fine gentlemen and his family it seems meet with their ladders and play funny games like: Ladder circle, Ladder ball or Ladder Bingo or Classical Ladder. Mostly the games evolve around someone falling from a ladder hoping to land a clear hit with the head on the concrete to make points for the team.
And then there is ladder christmas, ladder easter, ladder birthdays (no candles, the number of ladders indicates the age), ladder ladder day and so on.
There might be other family traditions too. One that comes to mind is that whenever in the family someone states something more or less worthy of a human any family member who hears of such an incident is probably obliged to respond "shutit Einstein" grab the other guy at the head and smack him right into the next wall. Repeatedly. I guess they call it "curing" over there.So: Who has the family ladder indicating stuff?
and I forgot the reserve ladders, the ladder store, the ladder manufactury and the possibly planned ladder museum. The ladder toy grounds for the kids, the ladder parks (similar to skate parks, just with many more ladders) , the ladder school, the ladder club and so forth.
I assume then that the phrase "the final jump" at this point has replaced the concept of "death" in language and "achieving something" became "to ladder up" to complete something is "to close the ladder" and records are set in mountaineous regions when the highest ranking member of the family is determined by the height of the heighest ladder he had fallen onto and one isnt "27 years" old but "27 ladders" and wealth is accumulated by collecting rare and artistic ladders ofc not fur use in your everday life.
The family tree is carved into a ladder which is handed over from generation to generation and there is the christmas ladder and the learning ladder (printed tha Alphabet and the digits all over it) and the unior ladder with stabilizer and last but not least the fully automatic ladder for the elderly which according to the producder manages a clear strike on the head in 9 out of 10.Apparently during their life span many aspiring ladderists from this bloodline have the goal of leaving a record behind during their life: Youngest member to fall from a more than 100 yard ladder, most points in a season and eventually create his own ladder trick like "not only falling to the ground ordinarily and score a hit but into a bucket of cold water and a melon inside backflip".
and you might now think: Why go through such lengths if you can like about reach the same by drinking varnish, That is considered cheating and drug abuse at the same time. -
Here is an excerpt from the "family bible" aka "tradition ladder":
Genesis (Sprosse 0)
"in the beginning god created light and dark, hot and cool, fence and lock, ladder and truck wheel .... visitors, ice cream salesmen .... "
Exodus (Step 2)
"After having to leave the zoo ... carrying around ladder n ladder ... god showed us ... a new home ... the veterinary checks on us regularly ... the ten ladder rules ..."
Revelation (Step 9)
"And down the heavenly ladder ... I saw climbing a donkey, an ape and a fret ... from which we all descended ... and they fell down the heavenly ladder and scored perfectly ...." -
One should not underestimate the achievements of the ladder people federation and their proud traditions.
Several high ranking US presidential advisors have been ladder people and their advice has always been extremely valuable to the US.
According to the "best bet rule" you can essentially do two things when looking for advice: You ask your smartest, most highly qualified and educated experts on the matter, but if they had like agreed on the subject unanimously then there would be no real problem finding a decision.
You can also ask the most not-informed, stupid, is this English? , person around of any profession (chances of them really understanding the question are slim in any case) what would be the right course of action. The probability that the stupid people is so totally wrong that by doing the exact opposite of the stupid one's advice almost MUST be right.