Domination 1901 Fast AI
Playing as Americans, Germans, French and China. Too easy on easy but seem to get whipped beyond belief on Fast AI. Almost feels like 9 on 4. Any advice?
@ESchreiber42 Posting some screenshots or your save game would help to see where you can improve.
will do America just gets caught between the British and Spanish. On easy the western Pacific Fleet is spared and on fast it gets wiped out even if I add two Destroyers and Subs, no matter what. French and Germans win in Africa but barely hang on in Europe. I can take over the Dutch in the first turn or two, and then China ends up just getting slugged by Japan the entire game. So far turns into a very long game. On Fast AI I literally have the enemy trading planes for infantry. Still enjoying it but wondering if it may not be possible.
@ESchreiber42 I ate a rock once to assemble a digestive system.
I am going to win it, but only by gradually building battleships and taking capitols when the defenses were down. Winning ugly though.