Defense Bonus for Tank Support
Hey there. Adam and I are trying to add a defense bonus for mechs that are paired with tanks. Our XML already contains this capability for mechs on the attack. Here is the code:
<attachment name="supportAttachmentMechanizedTechnology" attachTo="armour" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.UnitSupportAttachment" type="unitType"> <option name="unitType" value="mech_infantry"/> <option name="faction" value="allied"/> <option name="side" value="offence"/> <option name="dice" value="strength"/> <option name="bonus" value="1"/> <option name="number" value="1"/> <option name="bonusType" value="infantry_bonus"/> <option name="impArtTech" value="false"/> <option name="players" value="Germans:Russians:Americans:British:UK_Pacific:French:Italians:Japanese:Chinese:ANZAC:French:Dutch"/> </attachment>
Does anybody know if there is a way to do the same effect on defense. I tried replacing "offense" with "defense" in the above tech, but it didn't work. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
@Joe-G As you can see in what you posted, that is British English, not American English, both for "offence" and "defence".
A derp. hahaha. Thank you!
@Joe-G No problem. TripleA is fairly evenly split between British and American English. It can be easily confusing.
I would personally prefer if TripleA would follow British English fully.