isAAforFlyOverOnly for Air units and Low Luck
Hey all
I want to have some Air units (Interceptors) behave like AA if been flyed over while Low Luck behavior like a normal battle. So just to have multiple Air units add together their attackAA but only one attack together.
Which leads to my question:
Does it matter if they all have the same typeAA but different attackAA values (1,2,3 at a d6 dice) if i already have AA LL already?
This is my example
<attachment name="unitAttachment" attachTo="Spitfire" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.UnitAttachment" type="unitType">
<option name="movement" value="5"/>
<option name="carrierCost" value="3"/>
<option name="isAir" value="true"/>
<option name="attack" value="2"/>
<option name="defense" value="2"/>
<option name="canScramble" value="true"/>
<option name="maxScrambleDistance" value="1"/>
<option name="canAirBattle" value="true"/>
<option name="airDefense" value="5"/>
<option name="airAttack" value="5"/>
<option name="canIntercept" value="true"/>
<option name="canEscort" value="true"/>
<option name="createsResourcesList" value="-1:PUs"/>
<option name="attackAA" value="2"/>
<option name="isAAforFlyOverOnly" value="true"/>
<option name="maxAAattacks" value="1"/>
</attachment>What could be missing? typeAA option important or does it default to the same group?
I missed the following options i think:
<option name="mayOverStackAA" value="true"/> -
@TorpedoA I think you need a "targetsAA" also. Yea overstack will allow 2 or more of the same AA type to hit the target if I remember right.
If they're the same unit hitting the same target I don't think AA type matters
thanks, but i read that it should default to all air no?Edit: i looked it up at pact of steel xml
targetsAA values: a list of unit types which this aa gun can hit. (defaults to all air units) (any aa guns in the same group should have the same targetsAA)very convenient
Thank you nevertheless -
Well, thats quite nice that you are here, because i dont want to open another topic.
Eventually you can answer one question:
Can i make a unit with zero movement able to attack like i can do with infantry (isLandtransportable) and a truck (isLandtransport)?
Or does it have to have movement 1 at the minimum? -
@TorpedoA yea idk I've never tried it. My guess is the M0 unit would be upgraded to a M1 or w/e boost it gets and would be able to. You'd just have to try it
@beelee so if it's move booster gets killed it should still be able to conquer
@TorpedoA you have these properties set correctly as well ?
isAAforFlyOverOnly will only work if "AA Territory Restricted" is turned off, and will normally only fire during combat move and not during noncombat move, unless you also turn on "Always on AA".
yes, i did that, and now i tested the zero movement thing.<property name="Units May Give Bonus Movement" value="true" editable="true">
<attachment name="unitAttachment" attachTo="FlaK88" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.UnitAttachment" type="unitType">
<option name="movement" value="0"/>
<option name="transportCost" value="3"/>
<option name="attack" value="2"/>
<option name="defense" value="3"/>
<option name="isLandTransportable" value="true"/>
<option name="isAAforFlyOverOnly" value="true"/>
<option name="attackAA" value="3"/>
<option name="maxAAattacks" value="1"/>
<option name="typeAA" value="AA"/>
<option name="mayOverStackAA" value="true"/>
</attachment>above unit cannot be moved by the below one unfortunately
<attachment name="unitAttachment" attachTo="Mot.Inf" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.UnitAttachment" type="unitType">
<option name="movement" value="2"/>
<option name="transportCost" value="3"/>
<option name="canBlitz" value="true"/>
<option name="attack" value="1"/>
<option name="defense" value="2"/>
<option name="isLandTransport" value="true"/>
<option name="repairsUnits" value="1:Panzermech:M26:IS-2:IS-3:Tiger-I:Tiger-II:M1:Chieftain:Object"/>
<option name="createsResourcesList" value="-1:PUs"/>
<option name="givesMovement" value="1:FlaK88"/>
</attachment> -
@TorpedoA bummer So back to the spitfires, you want them to shoot at planes when they fly over with the same shot as a regular aaGun and you want them all to be able to fire even if it's only 1 plane flying over ? cm and ncm both ?
this is now working for me<attachment name="unitAttachment" attachTo="Spitfire" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.UnitAttachment" type="unitType">
<option name="movement" value="5"/>
<option name="carrierCost" value="3"/>
<option name="isAir" value="true"/>
<option name="attack" value="2"/>
<option name="defense" value="2"/>
<option name="canScramble" value="true"/>
<option name="maxScrambleDistance" value="1"/>
<option name="canAirBattle" value="true"/>
<option name="airDefense" value="5"/>
<option name="airAttack" value="5"/>
<option name="isAirBase" value="true"/>
<option name="canIntercept" value="true"/>
<option name="canEscort" value="true"/>
<option name="createsResourcesList" value="-1:PUs"/>
<option name="attackAA" value="2"/>
<option name="isAAforFlyOverOnly" value="true"/>
<option name="maxAAattacks" value="1"/>
<option name="typeAA" value="AA"/>
<option name="mayOverStackAA" value="true"/>
</attachment>3 Spitfires killing 1 enemy flyover air unit everytime one is flying over.
Works well. -
@TorpedoA cool
isAirBase may provide some unwanted behavior. Idk. This is how I did it with DDs against Subs:<!-- DestroyerC5 -->
<attachment name="unitAttachment" attachTo="destroyerC5" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.UnitAttachment" type="unitType">
<option name="movement" value="2"/>
<option name="isSea" value="true"/>
<option name="attack" value="1"/>
<option name="defense" value="1"/>
<option name="isAAforCombatOnly" value="true"/>
<option name="attackAA" value="1"/>
<option name="attackAAmaxDieSides" value="12"/>
<option name="offensiveAttackAA" value="2"/>
<option name="offensiveAttackAAmaxDieSides" value="12"/>
<option name="maxAAattacks" value="1"/>
<option name="mayOverStackAA" value="true"/>
<option name="targetsAA" value="submarine"/>
<option name="typeAA" value="DestroyerDepthCharge"/>
<option name="isDestroyer" value="false"/>
<option name="blockade" value="1"/>
<option name="isAAforFlyOverOnly" value="true"/>
<option name="canBeGivenByTerritoryTo" value="Americans:French:British:Canada:ANZAC:Chinese:Russians:Germans:Italians:Japanese"/>
</attachment>Then set these:
<property name="Always on AA" value="true" editable="true">
<property name="Roll AA Individually" value="true" editable="false">
<property name="Choose AA Casualties" value="true" editable="true">
<property name="AA Territory Restricted" value="false" editable="false">
<property name="Force AA Attacks For Last Step Of Fly Over" value="true" editable="false">
<property name="Multiple AA Per Territory" value="true" editable="false">
</property>What that does is allow the DD to shoot at the sub whenever it moves through their zone. So you should be able to do something similar for air if the airBase thing gives you trouble.
thats quite a nice idea you got there, Destroyers as AA vs Subs. Incredible.
Another dimension opens up now. This game gets more complex everytime.About isAirbase and trouble, what do you mean by that?
I know its wierd to give isAirbase to air units itselft but now they can freely roam, even though its not realistic. And i am quite unsure if i keep it like that.But for now i am happy that you shared your idea about AA for Destroyer. Exciting.
Now i think about Arty having isFirstStrike , like AA but against anything.
I didnt notice those isSub-options exists till today.
Awesome. -
@TorpedoA yea it's that they'll give scramble ability to other planes now even if a normal AB isn't there.
isAirBase values: allows units with canScramble and requiresAirbaseToIntercept function from a territory with this unit