Trigger Based on Production/Income Value
I’m wondering if there is a way to set an objective or a trigger based on one or more nation’s production/income value.
Obviously TripleA can count each nation’s production value since it displays this on the “Players” tab and gives that much income at the end of the turn.
Is anyone aware of a way to call this value? For example, let’s say I wanted to set a trigger that fires when one alliance goes over a certain production/income threshold. (excluding national objective values)
Thanks in advance.
@Contango No, but the feature has been requested before. You should make a formal feature request.
As workaround you could have a trigger based upon control of a specific number of a list of territories. I don't know what would happen if the same territory appeared on the list more than once.
"Economic Victory" allows you to do this, but only for ending the game with a victory.