Cannot play anymore: java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException:
I just downloaded latest version of TripleA and I can see main menu with error: "Failed to read file at: D:\0_Games\TripleA java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException:". I cannot download maps, cannot start anything.
Older version seem not to work too. Maybe I will try very old ones, but what's going on?
Thanks in Advance,
Please, help me. -
@comr Sorry, I was wrong, older versions work fine. Last ones not at all.
@comr Can you specify which version does work and version does not work. Also what version of Java are you using.
@comr I'm upvoting to the question of Rogercooper as others may face the same issues. Can you provide more details regarding this (exact version and where you experience the error)?