Need advise for relationshipType option archeType neutral or allied
I am not familiar with this options at all. So please forgive my stupidity.
This is my scenario:
4 Factions (148 BC)- Roma (AI)
- Hellas (player)
- Celtica (player)
- Germania (player)
Roma is at war with all the rest.
The 3 Anti-Roma factions (player) should neither be in a allied state (same alliance) nor at war with each other.I only want to have the following conditions fullified:
I (player) want to be able to take over abandonded territories within the Anti-Roman factions.
(eg. Germania takes abandoned territory from Celtica)B
I dont want to be able to move units within the Anti-Roman faction territories if units are present.
(eg. Germania units cannot help defend Celtica territories attacked by Roma)C
I dont want to be able to help defend attacked territories by scramble within the Anti-Roman factions.
(very related to B?)Questions
- Does this make any sense at all?
- Is realtionshipType archetype neutral the option of choice here?
- What does the archeType neutral allow or not allow exactly?
I have a hard time to get my brain around that. Hopefully it doesnt sound totally stupid. I have a stressfull phase at the moment and my brain doesnt respond that well if am stressed.
@torpedoa Are you sure you want to have a 1v1 game in the first place? This seems a game that, realistically, has to be more than two-sided (and arguably it should be a FFA). It not like there is something like "Roma" and everything else is fighting against it only.