Question about canMoveThroughEnemies and its tactical consequences
Lets assume the following scenario:
3 land territories in a row.
A <-> B <-> C
A = large enemy army
B = your territory
C = your capital or factoryKeep in mind that in this scenario we assume you dont have enough troops to win against the enemy army so you cannot defend either B nor C, only prolongue the conquest. And furthermore, there are no isDestroyer units around.
<property name="Subs Can End NonCombat Move With Enemies" value="true" editable="false">
<property name="Submersible Subs" value="true" editable="false">
Then lets think about 2 different ways to play:
1. Normal would be to leave a single cheap unit at B to prevent blitz units to attack C directly. But whatever you do, you will loose C after 2 turns.
2. You have a 1-movement unit at B which has the ability to canMoveThroughEnemies option and instead of just staying there to block enemy blitz, you could noncombatmove that unit into A without initializing combat immediately. Then the enemy has to combat against this particular unit at A first to be able to conquer B one turn after that. That would lead to the loss of C after turn 3 instead of after turn 2 if i am not wrong.
Is there any misconception?
Is there something wrong about 2.?If this is all correct than my conclusion would be that units with canMoveThroughEnemies could be used to prolongue the speed of enemy armies to get somewhere.
(Edit: something tells me that i miss something but i cannot guess what.)Every comment much appreciated.
I can see what you are trying to achieve, but only a human player could use this, as I dont think the AI would 'know' what to do.
I think you need to test your theory in game, as its a bit outside the usually TripleA box to make educated guesses.
@thedog Thy. And just now i found a breaking flaw in my idea. Land units cannot do this at all. Only sea units.
<!-- Subs Can End NonCombat Move With Enemies allows submarines to end their noncombat movement in a sea zone containing any enemy units, including enemy subs --> <property name="Subs Can End NonCombat Move With Enemies" value="true" editable="false">