Error: Matches#lambda$ unit Has Taken Some Bombing Unit Damage $43:386
Im working on my latest map and with this code
<property name="Damage From Bombing Done To Units Instead Of Territories" value="true" editable="false"
I get this error message after 6-9 turns.
2.5.22294: Matches#lambda$unitHasTakenSomeBombingUnitDamage$43:386 - java.lang.NullPointerException ## Map feudal_nippon ## TripleA Version 2.5.22294 ## Java Version 11.0.6 ## Operating System Windows 10 ## Memory Heap utilization statistics [MB] Used Memory: 323 Free memory: 1656 Total memory: 1979 Max memory: 1979 ## Stack Trace Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException java.lang.Exception at games.strategy.triplea.delegate.Matches.lambda$unitHasTakenSomeBombingUnitDamage$43( at at at at games.strategy.engine.framework.ServerGame.waitForPlayerToFinishStep( at games.strategy.engine.framework.ServerGame.runStep( at games.strategy.engine.framework.ServerGame.startGame( at games.strategy.engine.framework.startup.launcher.LocalLauncher.launchInternal( at games.strategy.engine.framework.startup.launcher.LocalLauncher.lambda$launch$0( at java.base/
For a few turns it works fine then errors
It gives
- Territory units placement is based off <option name="canProduceXUnits" value="4"/>
- Bombing attacks units
Setting it to false and I get no error message but it does the two things I dont want.
- Territory units placement is based off the territory PU
- Bombing attacks the territory and not the unit.
Any guidance for where to look or what to test?
I had
<option name="canBeDamaged" value="true"/> <option name="canDieFromReachingMaxDamage" value="true"/> <option name="maxDamage" value="2"/>
To stop the error add the following to the same unit
<option name="isConstruction" value="true"/> <option name="constructionType" value="Recruit"/> <option name="maxConstructionsPerTypePerTerr" value="1"/> <option name="constructionsPerTerrPerTypePerTurn" value="1"/>