#6: VictoryFirst (Axis) vs. barnee (Allies) | G40 House Rules Expansion by The Captain
@victoryfirst Sounds like a plan. Looking forward to it
@victoryfirst Thanks VF! I think beelee says you are located in Europe so guessing you won't see this for awhile but let me know if you did not get my thread response for the game. It appears on my end like I was able to follow your instructions and sent you the initial game report which is G1 pending your UK scramble decisions. If something went wrong, let me know and I will try again from the beginning of your Play by Forum instructions.
Trying to gear up to finish the report and just realized JPN should've activated there Home Defens. Got 2 free dudes D3 1st rd .
I would've changed attack though and think I'd still get it. Of course you would've done things different too
Anyway, just thought I'd mention it. I used to have them auto deploy but changed it, as it's discretionary as when the defender wants to use it.
Maybe I can make a notification for when enemy units hit the Homeland ? User action ? Could auto place then but I don't think that'd work because shit placed at start of combat will show up but not fight.
Anyway, I'll dick with it for next update