whenCapturedByGoesTo ???
Hi, i am trying to modify Pact_of_Steel to allow the Russians to retain UK territory it Liberates and Not return it to the UK, ie Bolshevization. And like wise for the Americans to retain UK territory it liberates, freeing the colonies.
<attachment name="territoryAttachment" attachTo="India" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.TerritoryAttachment" type="territory">
<option name="production" value="4"/>
<option name="victoryCity" value="3"/>
<option name="whenCapturedByGoesTo" value="Americans:Americans"/>
<option name="whenCapturedByGoesTo" value="Russians:Russians"/>
<option name="whenCapturedByGoesTo" value="Chinese:Chinese"/>
It does not work - any suggestions - Thanks -
Welcome to the forums!I think you need to do this, find this;
<option name="givesBackOriginalTerritories" value="true"/>
change it to false
<option name="givesBackOriginalTerritories" value="false"/>It is found in the Allied block of code
<attachment name="relationshipTypeAttachment" attachTo="Allied" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.RelationshipTypeAttachment" type="relationship">
<option name="archeType" value="allied"/>
<option name="givesBackOriginalTerritories" value="true"/>
</attachment>This will effect all Allied relationship not just the ones your interested in.
So try this
replace your
<option name="whenCapturedByGoesTo" value="Americans:Americans"/>with
<option name="whenCapturedByGoesTo" value="Americans:Britain"/>This will break all the "givesBackOriginalTerritories" and you will have to manually declare for each teritory what you want.
There might be a better way, but that is for someone else.
Hey, thanks for getting back to me so quickly. I tried your patch, but it didn't seem to work. If anyone else has any ideas I would be grateful. Thanks
If you are using Pack of Steel xml and not PoS2, then you will need to add relationships to override alliances.