Panzer and barnee vs Trout and Victory Game 1 EXP
I screwed up and didn't do the summary. US Natl Grd has been removed. You can see it in History
Rough day on EXP lol
I'm struggling hard. I can't solve why the trigger fired. The above was a notification change. Shouldn't matter. Here's the trigger firing
Here's the trigger
and the condition
the at war ones are pretty basic. None of that should be new.
wwtf I guess I'll just try and recreate it. It never happened before. Not where JPN and the Allies aren't even at war.
Wtf this is pissing me off
I recreated it or at least the JPN attack and it worked fine. Idky it nutted up for us. Will just have to edit in the yanks if jpn attacks firstfbs
had some git bs today too. I wonder why that is. Neither have happened before