Looking for a 1936 Scenario Map like the Historical Board Game "Global War 1936"
If anyone can hook me up, that would be great.
@Lincoln-Russell I'm almost sure there is no serious map, or even serious attempt at a map, in TripleA for a world-wide game starting before 1939, but I guess @RogerCooper is the most qualified to give an answer here.
@Lincoln-Russell It depends what you mean by a scenario map. If you mean a world map similar to Global War 1936, check out TripleA World Maps on the Axis & Allies Wiki. The Global War Map is probably closest in scale.
I can think of any scenarios that start before 1939 except for scenarios dealing with he 2nd Sino-Japanese war.
You could create your own 1936 scenario, TripleA has the tools you need.
Since it seems nothing really specific came out, moving this to "Help & Questions".