Global 40 House Rules
I dug into this some more and have been getting inconsistent behaviour. When i turn off "isInfra" it works ok, but it seems as if I'm missing something as to why this started showing up, so I'm still doing some testing with "isInfra" turned on.
Now i have a new error that i've never gotten. Idk if this is related or not but it says I'm out of memory
I click on the memory thingy and it says i have plenty. Anyone have any ideas on what's up with this error ?
@beelee Its probably related. Both that error and the previous error are related to memory issues probably caused by some sort of infinite loop when bombers have isInfra=true. For now I would suggest having it set to false so you don't get weird errors and make a feature request to enable it to work properly.
@redrum right on. i'll make a request a little later. was trying to get some more info on why it was doing it. Thanks
Hey if anybody wants to give this a test drive (Option redesign with Cruiser A 4, Planes target Naval and Carriers RD 2, …:)
2.642 is the latest. Let me know if you wanna give it a go : ) -
Update to 2.646
Changed Tacs hitting Subs to “1 in 12” and allow them to stack again when “Planes Target Naval” is activated. They also hit Ships the same way now.
Primarily to help Japan with mid to late game Sub spam. Also help the Allies in the Atlantic, although this doesn’t really seem to be necessary. May still be an issue (Sub spam) but I’ve yet to see it prevent a win. “Attack0 Cost5” Bombers are another concern, but once again, I’ve yet to see them prevent a win and there are Options available to counter them if needed.
Biggest concern is Tacs ganging up on solo BBs, CAs and CVs. However, it does represent Dive Bombers and ASW planes well and while not ideal, subs can still be used as hit soakers.
Basically the “Big Boys” shouldn’t be sailing without support, which is an okay thing imo and they still get to shoot back : ) Well not the CVs…but…Of course this is only an Option
Lots of ways to play
At any rate...that be the update
heh heh
So latest test is showing some concern. Lots of subs in Pacific RDs 8,9,10. Don't have enough Tacs to stack attack subs, although it may be better to have the ability to stack attack on single subs. Early round attacks could make a difference as well.
Might be better to have higher attack value and not stack. Early game is where it will impact most. Thinking 1 in 10 for ftrs against ships and no stack and 1 in 6 for tacs against ships and subs and no stack might be the way to go.
I'm gonna play this out and maybe another one. We'll see how it goes.
Basically want Tacs to be able to hit Ships and Subs and Ftrs be more of a Defensive/Escort role.
At any rate, looks as if the Axis are gonna lose this one. Russia seems a tad too strong, but they've lost before
oh yea, in case anybody interested heh heh
2.645 June 18 2019.tsvg game 1.tsvg
Updated to 2.647
Change Tactical Bomber to hit at 2 in 12 when "Planes Target Naval" activated. Defends at 1 in 12. Does not stack against Subs and Ships. Fighters attack and defend at 1 in 12 against Ships. They do not stack.
Decided since Subs start to increase quite a bit mid to late game, you'd be better off to have the Tac hit at 1 in 6 against multiple targets than being able to stack at 1 in 12.
Ftr is a bit weaker. Ftr and Tac are now 23.6% vs the 25% that they were before when Targeting Ships, so not a big difference. Also emphasizes the Tac over the Ftr, which is what is wanted and keeps things a little more uniform with the CA/BB being the only 10 sided die now.
Update to 2.662
I'll try and update this more frequently in the future. Here is the Change Log since last post:
2.662 Fix Military Base to only place infantry. Fix no Military Base image for China. China may now capture Military Bases.
2.661 Change "German Boost" to Poland and Slovakia Hungary only.
2.66 Remove "Canada Boost" from "Option Redesign" in Game Notes. Didn't previously work.
2.659 Fix Naval image error.
2.658 Adds "Charles de Gaulle Neutrals Modified".
2.657 Make "Planes Target Carriers" also target Battleships and Cruisers.
2.656 Fix battleship-damaged not repairing.
2.655 Replace wrong units folder.
2.654 Adds additional German, British and Japan Naval Units. Change New Foundland Ownership to British. Made Ontario worth 1 PU when "Canada Boost" is activated.
2.653 When "BB and CA 2 Shot" CA will now activate before "Purchase" phase.
2.652 When "BB and CA 2 Shot" is activated BB will only have 1 shot when damaged.
2.651 Add "BB and CA 2 Shot".
2.650 Add "Movel Victory Conditions".
2.649 Adds unit images for supply crate for Canada, ANZAC and France.
2.648 Adds "Argothair's" "Supply Token". Also adds "Argo Canada Boost" and "UK One Economy". Adds "Amur Lend Lease" as well. Fixes UK "Shipyard" tech.
Update to 2.672
Change Log:
2.672 Adds "Germany 5 PU Controls France RD 10". Fix Russia being able to move to 8 Sea Zone when not at war with Japan. Adds "Mongolia Boost". Adds "Italy Boost". Remove Primitive Terrain from Evenkiyskiy, Urals and Kazakhstan when "Chinese Guerrilla Fighters" is activated. Remove "AdditionalVictoryCitiesWorthPUs_ChangerMustActivateRD3" from Map Option Redesign. Add "ChinaInfantrySpawnBM_ChangerMustActivate" to Map Option "Redesign". Add 1 PU to Evenkiyskiy when "PacificIslandAndPU_Change" activated.
2.671 Add DDC5 to Sea Zones 113 for Germany and 81 for United Kingdom when "Attack 0 Cost 5 Bomber" is Activated.
2.67 Make China AA Guns Adhere to BM Rules.
2.669 Fix Out Of Box China Burma Road Objective showing up when "Chinese Guerrilla Fighters" activated.
2.668 Fix China AA Gun placing twice.
2.667 Adds "InteceptorDefend2_GiveToAll"to Map Options.
2.666 Give "Slovakia Hungary" 1 PU for "German Boost". Remove 1 PU from "Evenkiyskiy" when "PacificIslandAndPU_Change" activated. Make China and Russia "Allied" when Japan and Russia are at war and "Charles de Gaulle Neutrals Modified" activated. Remove "RussianNationalObjectives" from "Option Redesign" map option.
2.665 Fixes "NormandyTurnsProAllied_ChangerMustActivate" activating more than once. Mongolia now turns Russian after attacked. Decreases "Long Range Fighter" cost to 12 PUs. Adds "BB and CA 2 Shot", "Destroyer Cost 6", "Battleship Cost 18", "Carrier Cost 13", "Escort Carrier Cost 7" and "Cruiser Cost 11".
2.664 Version change.
2.663 Adds Baron's Long Range Fighter Option. Fixes incorrect Mongolian infantry switch when using "CDG Neutrals Modified". Change "German Boost" from Slovakia Hungary to Greater Southern Germany which is now worth 5PUs. Add Version Upload Date to Notifications.
Update to 2.674
4/24/21Change Log:
Adds "Normandy Original Owner Pro Neutral Allies".2.673
Adds German Tactical Bomber to Romania and British Tactical Bomber to Newfoundland Labrador and Italy has a Tactical Bomber placed in Sicily when "Attack0Cost5Bomber_ChangerMustActivate" is activated. Changes Canada Tactical Bomber placement to British Columbia when "Canada Boost" is activated. -
@board-3659 yea you have "battleship_hull" and "carrier_hull" as "isAir" units, so you need these unit images as well.
if the unit has "isAir", but not "isStrategicBomber", then you need "_lr", and "_jp", and "_lr_jp"
You can use the same image. There only needed for the " units " folder. No xml work. Make sure you use the exact unit name though. So "carrier_hull_lr" etc ...
I can't remember. I don't think you added stuff via git did you ? Well you can just post the images here and i'll add them.
Change Log:
2.71 1/28/22
Fix all "figher_LR" Units to work correctly when "longRangeAir" and "jetPower" Tech activated. Fix "battelship and carrier hull" Units to work correctly.
yea took a while to fix your dudes @board-3659 . Be best if you do those yourself.
Had to fix Long Range Fighter too ( Barons Unit ). Major burn and had to rename and xml it too lol.
But anyway , it was 8 units per player for fix for yours. Took a couple hours.
Be best for you to do the maintenance on them
At least someone is playing it lol