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Recent Posts

  • @ted-self said in Roger's Scenario Thread:

    Hi, did you ever try ancient times? I think it has a lot of potential. It is a bit bizarre to have air power though.

    Name Ancient Times
    Description A conflict between arbitrary alliances with an anachronistic (all pre-gunpowder) mixture of nations and units

    Good Points

    Conflict all over the map Not another WW2 game Reasonably balanced

    Bad Points

    Air units seem strange in ancient times Many similar unit types (including 3 types of air units) Alliances and nations are arbitrary

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  • W


    From Morocco to Madeira Is. goes through Sea Zone 091 A, and cost 2 mp, 4 mp for the round trip. From Morocco to Canary Is. would go through Sea Zone 091 A then Sea Zone 087 B or through Sea Zone 091 B then Sea Zone 087 C at a cost of 3 mp. Air Transport only has a movement of 4, thus cannot make the necessary return trip. Even going to Mauritania from the Canary Is. would cost 2 mp so cannot be done. But you could go form Mauritania to the Canary Is. and back.


    P.S. Concerning Azores Is. They share Sea Zone 091 A along with Morocco and Madeira Is. So, it'll also only cost 4mp round trip.


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  • Hello @Black_Elk @beelee @TheDog

    AIRBORNE Still Not working correctly - IMO

    Germany launched airborne from Morroco to Madeira. All good, plane returned.

    Next turn plane returned to Madeira to land

    HERE IS THE ISSUE: Next turn Germany wanted to invade Canary Islands but the game would not allow that. However, Germany was able to invade Azores. his makes no sense to me.

    Am I missing something or is this some sort of bug that went unnoticed because who in their right mind would do this airborne invasion ? LOL

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  • That was my sense as well. I recall trying to do rings and just never being particularly happy with the results. Like it would look ok, but then units get resized and the interpolation/blur would change the look of the color, or like you mention the color would appear to change depending on the HEX color of the tile or the blue used for the ocean. For the tinted 'WW2 in color' type thing, it just depends on the quality of the source image or how much time one wants to spend noodling around. Like probably more than the few minutes that I gave it yesterday lol. I already used that approach for a couple HQs, mainly for Japan since the image quality there was kinda rough. Some figures were on the cover of magazines or used for national propaganda by one side or the other. You know what I mean, like if they were on the cover of TIME or some equivalent, or had their portrait painted professionally after the war or whatever, those tend to look cleaner. There's a reason why figures like Rommel made it into the mags and the movies, basically cause the Allies found it useful during the war to lionize some generals, or after the war to propagate the myth of 'the good german' or to ennoble the enemy as a way of accounting for victories or losses on the field, things like that. I feel like people who died during the war were easier to retcon in the postwar period so you see that happen a fair bit. Other approach is to stylize everything in the same way, like the Hearts of Iron method, but one kinda needs a real artist for that I'd think. Even then though, we run into some issues probably, like 'is this really the guy we want to be staring at for the next several hours?' probably very similar to the dilemma about who to put on the box cover illustrations for the A&A boards, where the choice there might be fraught. Why I felt fine about the Iron Blitz dudes, but less confident with some of the others. Battling my own laziness is probably the real trick on this one heheh.

    Anyhow, just let me know. I'm mostly still just playing BG3 these days lol. Catch ya next round!

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