Star Frontiers Knight Hawks tactical space combat game
Hi there
First post here and new to the site. I came across it when looking to see if anyone had ever done a pc version of Greyhawk Wars, a board game I played as a teenager. Sure enough I found it on TripleA. I wonder if anyone has ever given thought to recreating the above board game, a great space based tactical combat board game. I donโt have a programming background so canโt offer my time but I thought this could also be another great conversion to TripleA. Cheers John
@jpnz Welcome, John
There already is a map called "Greyhawk Wars" available for TripleA.
Is that what you are looking for?Check it out
@Panther yes I saw that thanks and it is a great recreation of the board game. Just hoping maybe someone might look at star frontiers knight hawk some day and recreate that
@jpnz Ah I see. I misread that, sorry.
In the meantime you could check out the space-based maps already present in TripleA. Maybe there is something available that you like -
roofl I totally remember Star Frontiers since I'm in my 40's and am old enough to remember it
I'm not a developer at all but cool subject and I'm sure some would like to see this made