Here is a bunch of old tips that someone posted a while back:
Transports are “old school” defend at a 1 and take hits in combat.
You purchase armored cars and artillery two at a time, effectively making them 3.5 ICs each. Remember to factor that in on your unit count for deployment.
In SZs connected to another SZ via multiple canals, you (and your Allies) must own just 1 of them to pass through.
You don’t have “back-up” capitals, you have multiple capitals. If you lose ANY of them, it counts as losing your capital.
a. Example: in one game, Russia lost Kaask, the Soviet far east capital with a production value of 6. Hisachi took it, and Russia lost all his money, even though he still had Moscow and that one in the middle no one really uses. Lol.
b. On your next round, you’ll collect income if you still have at least one capital left.
Most powers have “Late War” units that don’t become available for purchase until the beginning of your Round 4.
Bunkers are an immovable, 2-hit unit that repairs at the beginning of your turn, defends at 3, and can be built in any territory, regardless of factory. Only available for purchase as a Late War unit, costs 6 ICs. Limit one per territory per turn.
Patrol boats, cruisers, and super subs can carry units!
a. I didn’t say just infantry, because they can carry armored cars as well! An armored car weighs as much as an infantry (2 carrying capacity).
A battle transport can carry two tanks (3 cap) and one infantry (2 cap), or FOUR infantry/armored cars.
Subs and transports can block naval movement.
Planes can hit subs!
a. But if no destroyer is present on the attacking side, they can submerge AFTER the first round of combat. Free, one-round of aircraft shots against lone subs.
AA guns have no combat value, and get a shot at EVERY plane. (Classic rules). Capturable. Moveable during NCM if you controlled it at the start of your turn.
Deployment is restricted to the production value of the territory.
You can build a new factory in any territory you control at the beginning of your turn with a value of 1 or higher.
SPECIFIC UNITS that you have to learn through play:
a. Long range bombers: US/JAPAN/UK. They not only move 8 and attack @ 5 and can bomb, they give artillery support to supportable units if used in combat! Cost 18.
b. Battle Carriers: US/JAPAN. They are two hit repairable units.
c. Mechanized Infantry give artillery support, as do Stukas (German only plane).
d. Katyushan Russian rocket trucks are mechanized inf that attack for 3 defend 1 instead of 2/2. Also move 3 and support.
e. Many Pacific powers have marines, which are an attack 3 infantry. Options include inf, atk 1, elite, atk 2, marines atk 3.
f. torpedo boats are a 2/1/1 naval unit. They can transport 1 inf. Good for immobile land bridges. Slow movement makes them difficult to use, but they’re cheap like a transport (6 ic).