I don't like that these two private games with PW always show at the top of the screen. Especially when no one is playing them.
I hit status so it organizes everything. I think private games with PW should be at the bottom of the list.
@beelee For your information, all four passworded hosts in your screeshot are automated (bots). So, technically they are not private hosts, even though I'm sure they are privately hosted.
I think there should be a toggle to hide/show passworded games. You practically want to see any number of them only if you know the password.
Passworded automated hosts, in particular, are something that does not make sense for me to exist within the lobby. I think that if someone wants a private yet automated host, it should host it not connected to the lobby (so anyone can join it only by direct connection).
@cernel yea it should just be private