Tactical exploit possibilities of unit with canMoveThroughEnemies option without isDestroyer around
I hope this doesnt sound too wierd and i hope i can explain it well enough.
I have the following unit which consists of the canMoveThroughEnemies option without any other isSub option active and no isDestroyer units in game at all.
I wanted to simulate an infiltration unit which is capable to go into enemy territory without beeing caught in combat at the first combat move. Just think of stealthy warriors at night time or something like that. But the question about such unit is just a general one.Under what circumstances could such a unit be exploitable by the player in a tactical and territorial sense? Because i am not that sure about whether or not a contested enemy territory with such a unit present has consequences the player could benefit from and how the AI will handle it.
<attachment name="unitAttachment" attachTo="Nighthunters" javaClass="games.strategy.triplea.attachments.UnitAttachment" type="unitType"> <option name="attack" value="3"/> <option name="defense" value="3"/> <option name="movement" value="1"/> <option name="airAttack" value="2"/> <option name="airDefense" value="2"/> <option name="transportCost" value="3"/> <option name="canAirBattle" value="true"/> <option name="canMoveThroughEnemies" value="true"/> <option name="createsResourcesList" value="-1:PUs"/> <option name="requiresUnits" value="Fort"/> </attachment>
Every comment much appreciated.
The above unit can claim territories, I dont think it should be able to.
Making it an isAir will make it harder to engage as the hunting units must be anti air and being isAir it cannot claim territories.
@thedog Let me ask in another way. How would you use a similar unit? How would you exploit this type of unit against the enemy?
The unit might be a non starter in that, it might be only able to move 1 in enemy territory, because it does not have Blitz. Therefore it will get caught by say cavalry moving 2.
Also I dont think the AI will use it well.
@thedog I missed the movement part. Its a 1 movement unit. I have now corrected that in the unit attachment. So eventually you have a missconception of what i was talking about because i did the mistake to put 2 movement. Sorry
Sadly its even worse then.
For a "stealth" unit it needs to move 2 and/or fly, just my 2p.
One thing i missed was to say that it doesnt have to be the combat move phase in which this unit moves into enemy territory.
<property name="Subs Can End NonCombat Move With Enemies" value="true" editable="false">
<property name="Submersible Subs" value="true" editable="false">
@thedog Right, but i didnt aim for the part where a unit moves through other units, bypasses them and then end up in another territory behind that surpassed enemy units. In another post i have gone into that aspect. My aim is not the surpass of units, which you correctly said needs 2 movement.
I only want a unit that is cabable to prolongue army movments.
https://forums.triplea-game.org/topic/2970/question-about-canmovethroughenemies-and-its-tactical-consequencesThy for your time helping me out.
Found the problem. I cannot even use this with land units. Only in sea zones i can enter in noncombat move phase.
Whole idea worthless.<!-- Subs Can End NonCombat Move With Enemies allows submarines to end their noncombat movement in a sea zone containing any enemy units, including enemy subs --> <property name="Subs Can End NonCombat Move With Enemies" value="true" editable="false">