💥 1941 Global Command Decision - Official Thread
So I moved the unzipped folder to the proper triplea folder (on my Mac this time but I will try PC next) and it worked great.
There was some initial weirdness about planes in Kherson, but other than that it looks like a very well made game!
I already started my first play through vs the AI and so far so good. But it will take some time and numerous play throughs to really get a feel for this (or any) new game.
I remember not wanting to try that alternative universe version of triplea that has the same rules and same participants (Germany, Italy, etc. even the Chinese) but the map was of a different world so to speak. After I tried it earlier this year, however, I grew to really love it because learning a new game is part of the fun. So it seems with this one - but there is SO MUCH to learn lol...
Again, thanks and congrats for making such a great addition !!!
@ezgaming aka IMPRESSED
Im glad you are off to a good start.
If you find anything not explained/helpful then please say. -
@thedog are you interested in some of the errors/bugs I encountered? So far the game only crashed one time in a way that required returning to a previous save but there were a handful of other errors that allowed play to continue. I’m just wondering if I should document these things to help ?
It’s still mighty impressive tho!!! And I’m enjoying it immensely!
First off you must be on the latest version of 2.6 here;
https://github.com/triplea-game/triplea/releasesI have no errors with this version 2.6.14513
and then yes please document your findings.
As a reminder, there is some documentation in the game;
Help> Game Notes
has the following 24 panels/screens/pages- Game Notes (1 long page)
- Prologue (each player will see at each game start, 1 page)
- Player nation (for each nation, shown pre round 1, in axis then allied order, 8 pages)
- Manual (terse 14 pages)
Also in \triplea\downloadedMaps\1941_global_command_decision\map\doc\images\ is
1941_Global_Command_Decision_Manual.pdfContaining the manuals 14 pages in one pdf.
@thedog AWESOME!!! Thank you
I’m loving the game. There is so much to this game. Again I congratulate you.
Assuming you’re interested in problems I had: note I’m using the most current triplea engine and still on the Mac:
the game froze up when Italy tried to do an airborne attack on a territory in the Middle East. I saved the game immediately prior so I can recreate it. There is no way past the saved point. If I load the game and let the attack play out the game freezes. If I undo that attack the game is fine.
And the zoom function seems a bit off as it does not usually allow me to zoom out halfway (like 50%). Instead of accepting my zoom out the game takes over and zooms me all the way out and then I struggle a little to get the zoom where I want it
Other than these I’ve not encountered any bugs or issues.
By the way, have you researched the game’s balance? I realize that with most such games the Axis, like real life, are fighting a losing battle and “victory” is usually reaching some victory condition before the inevitable smashing occurs.
Do you still have the saved game, if so could you post here. You will have to zip it.Zooming is the TripleA engine not our game.
Black Elk and myself are on Windows 10, we have no experience of MACs
Game balance wise, Black Elk & I have spent hours, so many hours game balancing. However, the longer the game goes on, the worse it is for axis. Typically axis need to win by turn 20ish.
@thedog OK so some developments. First again I want to congratulate you and Black Elk: it's a wonderful new addition.
I have gotten to a point where I have many saved games that lead to large scale (game freeze game crash) failures that I'm not sure where to begin in terms of what would be best to send you. But I am attaching a Germany Turn 4 save - for me the engine locks up after the third battle.
Of course, I'm filtering out the issues that I have experienced for many years in the triplea engine itself on the Mac - specifically the tendency to game freeze if one hits the space bar too quickly during combat results. And also not counting the zoom issue: This issue is just when I try to zoom halfway out - the triplea engine seems to not like that and will freeze for a second or two and then show me the map completely zoomed out. I then can zoom in and it seems stable until I attempt a zoom change again.
All of the large bugs I'm experiencing with your game seem to be during combat (game freezing). I'm guessing that much of this is my fault for pushing the game hard in terms of modifying IPUs and starting bids...
Another issue that is easy to explain and does not need a saved game is that I have found any Axis bids result in a very weird starting map that shows Germany already committing troops to attacking Russia. It's a really weird thing but even giving Germany 10 IPU will result in very strange things. Trying to give Germany 1 extra destroyer can only be done via the game editor and not via a starting bid.
Perhaps I'm breaking things because your game testing never had the wild weird stuff that I am doing, such as a large Italian army in China, and/or other weird and unlikely scenarios.
Anyway I hope it helps !!!
I wonder if Macs suffer the same memory issues as non Macs, that is you need more memory allocating to Java for certain maps like this one and The Shogun
Although this was meant for Windows PCs try this;
https://forums.triplea-game.org/topic/3133/get-ready-for-our-new-game-the-shogun-coming-soon -
Are you using TripleA 2.5 or the 2.6 prerelease to play?
If it's 2.5, then please switch to 2.6 prerelease and check if the issues still exist. There's been a lot of fixes in 2.6 that may resolve the problems you've been seeing. -
@myrd I’m using the absolute newest triplea engine. 2.6xxx
On Mac. And PC
@myrd I’ll switch over all the games and testing I’m doing to PC this week. I’ll post an update then.
I’m guessing it’s a Mac thing leading to the issues I’ve been having. But I’ll try some more things first such as to increase RAM allocation, before moving to PC
Thanks again for all the feedback and suggestions
Interesting, I'm on Mac too and haven't been able to repro the issues you describe... (I mean, except changing zoom which can be slow.)
Latest version 150 ready for download from 1st page 1st post
Note this version requires a minimum of TripleA 2.6.14517 to play
MAJOR CHANGES- Now uses a new xml option called "isAI" which detects an AI player, this replaces the player "Untick if a player" in map options, but requires a minimum of TripleA 2.6.14517 to play (thanks @wc_sumpton & @Alexei-Svitkine)
- Germany Carrier-Fleet icon now has a star (for advanced) like the other nations Carrier-Fleet
- Germany tech advance for Submarine-Adv now also removes Submarine from the purchase panel
- Reduced the number of rounds NAP popup appears
Link to 1st post that has the download link and to get the latest TripleA version
https://forums.triplea-game.org/topic/3326/1941-global-command-decision-official-thread -
@ezgaming said in
1941 Global Command Decision - Official Thread:
I’ll switch over all the games and testing I’m doing to PC this week. I’ll post an update then.
Did you try changing the TripleA.vmoptions?
If so did you notice any difference?Any thoughts or comments?
Latest version 155 ready for download from 1st page 1st post
Note this version requires a minimum of TripleA 2.6.14517 to play.
MAJOR CHANGES- NAP improved logic for displaying notifications
- Germany AI will build on Round 1, Algiers:Industry-Lgt & 2 Bunkers
- Italy AI will build on Round 1, Kherson:Industry-Med & Mariupol:Industry-Lgt
- Japan AI will build on Round 1, Okinawa-Ryukyu Is.:Industry-Lgt
- Updated player help & 14 page manual (Help> Game Notes)
Link to 1st post that has the download link and to get the latest TripleA version
https://forums.triplea-game.org/topic/3326/1941-global-command-decision-official-thread -
@thedog AWESOME. Thank you !!! I’ll try to get you a complete PC and Mac experience from my end by this weekend. I promise to do my best to break it …. But I have this feeling that with this update everything will be close to perfect if not that.
When playing Germany I just dont buy Inf-Motorized, they are not cost effective.Armor & Railways give extra movement to foot infantry, so detract from Inf-Motorized.
The current synergy is Inf-Motorized can Blitz if paired with Armor, for me this situation is very rare. There is currently no Atk/Def synergy for Inf-Motorized & Armor.
So what to do?
- Increase Inf-Motorized Atk to 2, currently 1, this will increase their cost by +1PU (No pairing)
- Inf-Motorized suppress enemy infantry, by -1 Def. eg. enemy Inf-Trained defend on a 1 (No pairing)
- Armor paired with Inf-Motorized gives +1 Atk to Inf-Motorized (Armor already gives +1 to Bomber-Tac)
- Inf-Motorized paired with Armor gives +1 Atk to Armor
- Its fine as is
- or ...?
@thedog My immediate thought is that armor should not boost the movement of foot infantry. How would that even work? Foot infantry might be trained to fight alongside tanks, but they can't be trained to keep up with the tanks during operational movement; the whole point of tanks is that they can drive faster than men can walk.
If you take the movement bonus away from foot infantry, then do motorized infantry become an attractive buy?
If not, what is the role of motorized infantry in your game; what are they supposed to represent or accomplish? In my game I give them a high defensive stat (3 or 4) because I see them as the mobile reserves that can plug holes in my front line -- if enemy tanks threaten a breakthrough, then motorized infantry can rapidly get to the danger zone and then dig in and defend. Motorized infantry don't have weapons that are heavy enough to make them good as shock troops, but they are mobile and they can hold their own. You could also represent this with a -1 to an attacking enemy tank.
Remove it like the Anti-Air Gun. Armor transports, so the piece has no purpose.
P.S. I would also consider dropping submarines.