Global 40 Expansion UHD Boxes
Changed place for S FRA. Harbor in Toulon now.
It'll be in next update but if you want to change it now, here is place.txt. Just swap them out or go to place/Southern France and swap 1st and 2nd place.
Update to Version 2.27
Change Log UHD Boxes:
Version 2.27
Version 2.27 Will Not Work with 2.22 or Earlier Version Saves.Update Game Notes.
Adjust Home Defense.
Fix 4 Sea Zone Escorts Not Changing Correctly.
Allow German Total War Units to be Built in Northern and Southern Italy.
Add Tank Destroyers.Edit
Thanks for the upvote Dog but I jumped the gun lolUpdate to 2.28
Change Log UHD Boxes:
Version 2.28
Fix WaffenPnzrJagerFS to replace a PanzerJagerFS.Edit 2
Forgot to update the TimeTable lol. Well I'm not gonna spam a third one todayIt's done for the next one though
Change Log UHD Boxes:
Version 2.29
Add Tank Destroyers to Desert Armies.
Add Waffen Pioneers.Version 2.281
Add Tank Destroyers to TimeTable.Pioneers are explained here: -
Update on 1-5-25
Update to Version 2.292
Change Log UHD Boxes:
Version 2.292
Adjust DOW Notifications.
Add βWaffen PGβ to TimeTable.
Add βFrenchUKβ to TimeTable.
Fix Timguska and Yenisey Map Borders. -
Update on 2-6-25
Change Log UHD Boxes:
Version 2.293
Allow Minor Factorys to be Placed in Western Germany and Germany.
Make "aaGunNO" able to Rail and Air Transport.
Fix Place 18 Conscripts to Change to Infantry and add 17 Conscripts to Change as well.Change Box Units to Move Through Germany.
Fix USA TotalWar Infantry Overplacing.
Fix Elite Being able to Place in Capital when Elite is Already Present.New Update @VictoryFirst @Panzerstahl-Helm-0
@crockett36 @Trout @SirSilas
Uninstall or remove manually from downloadedMaps and reinstall. It takes like 3 times for it to hit 100% on the DL before it's done.Won't affect current saves.
@Panzerstahl-Helm-0 @crockett36 @SirSilas @Trout in case you guys let triplea brainwash you like I did
Air Transports can transport allied units. They work same as naval transports in that regard.
Triplea doesn't allow that, so will need to edit and player enforce correct movement. I added a token for information purposes. It basically works the same as the lendlease tokens.
Obviously don't need to use it but it's there as a player aid for those that do
Will be in next update.
I woulda mentioned @VictoryFirst well I guess I just did
but I know he already knows the rule. He brought it to my attention somewhat indirectly
Update to Version 2.294
Change Log UHD Boxes:
Version 2.294
Add "AirTrprtAllied".
Fix "FrenchUK" Token Showing up in Purchase Window After Early 1942.
Make Total War Fighters Change Correctly when Placed in Sea Zones.
Allow Only 1 Build per Turn for "MassTanks".
Change Russian Total War Tanks to Only Place in Moscow.New Update @VictoryFirst @Panzerstahl-Helm-0
@crockett36 @Trout @SirSilas
Uninstall or remove manually from downloadedMaps and reinstall. It takes like 3 times for it to hit 100% on the DL before it's done.Won't affect current saves.