More info for error log
I got this error (tldr i misspelled a territory)
Oct 06, 2019 1:12:59 PM games.strategy.engine.framework.ui.GameChooserEntry fullyParseGameData SEVERE: Could not parse:file:/C:/Users/ckimb/triplea/downloadedMaps/XCOM-master/map/games/XCOM.xml map name: 'file:/C:/Users/ckimb/triplea/downloadedMaps/XCOM-master/map/games/XCOM.xml', game name: 'XCOM', Unexpected Exception while setting values for attachmentRulesAttachment attached to:PlayerID named:Europeans with name:rulesAttachment at at at at at at at games.strategy.engine.framework.ui.GameChooserEntry.fullyParseGameData( at$selectGameFile$7( at games.strategy.engine.framework.ui.background.BackgroundTaskRunner.lambda$runInBackground$0( at games.strategy.engine.framework.ui.background.BackgroundTaskRunner$1.doInBackground( at javax.swing.SwingWorker$ Source) at Source) at Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source) at Source) Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No territory called:Hungary-Romanians for: RulesAttachment attached to:PlayerID named:Europeans with name:rulesAttachment at games.strategy.triplea.attachments.AbstractRulesAttachment.getListedTerritories( at games.strategy.triplea.attachments.AbstractRulesAttachment.validateNames( at games.strategy.triplea.attachments.AbstractPlayerRulesAttachment.setMovementRestrictionTerritories( at at at ... 14 more
That is at least the fourth territory that I have misspelt. It would be nice if it showed them all at once, instead of having to fix that one, load the map again, fix the next, etc. I had a similar issue with another error, though that one was missing a >, so that might actually break the game's ability to parse it properly.
@ff03k64 What program are you using to edit the XML? Many programs will do some sort of auto-complete to help minimize typos like that (I use Notepad++).
But yeah currently the parsing fails immediately at the first error it hits so doesn't see any further errors. Its a fair point but I think would require a fairly large change to force it to parse the entire XML and collect all the errors.
It's a good change even if a bit painful to code. it's certainly better UX to display all errors in one go rather than just one at a time (
And I realize that not all errors will be able to properly get reported one at a time, like the second one i listed. Something might accidentally end up in a comment or something because of the first error.
I use notepad++, but often there are enough things that are just one letter off, or just different at the end of a name (Romania vs. Romanians) that i just tend to keep typing. Or it isn't showing up in the auto complete because i got the second letter wrong, ... Or ... I might just be lazy sometimes!