Axis and Allies G1940 Second Edition Opponents
If anyone is up for this, send me an email or a reply here. Email: By forum or email.
@Makalakalane i'm down i need more practice with that map.
let me know what you're thinking in terms of details.
@ubernaut I'm open. I've usually played normal dice (not low luck) and 16 IPC for the Allies. You can choose who you want to control if you want, I don't mind playing either side.
@Makalakalane alright what about tech? id say we should plan on doing the mirror match too so whatever bid you think is right is fine with me.
@ubernaut to be honest I'm not sure what mirror match is. I have only recently started playing triple a. I've played the actual real life boardgame a lot, though.
We can do tech, if you like. I almost never use it, but I'm ok with it being a possiblity. Maybe if I feel like I have the upper hand I might do it -
@Makalakalane by mirror match i mean whatever game we set up we should swap sides after and play it the same way but reverse sides.
Sure - fine by me. I have a little more work to do here then I will set up a game. You can also set it up if you want. My email is
If I'm Allies i'd like to use my 16 ipc on a British Fighter in Scotland and a British Submarine in SZ98. -
@Makalakalane 1 more question, how do you feel about live battles whenever it may make sense?
@ubernaut I don't know if I have the time for it. I already prioritise going to live matches with the real boardgame once a month on average, sometimes more, and it does take a looong time to play - we usually spend the whole day. But it's not impossible that I might join in on a live match through here sometime, if the time is there.
@Makalakalane well it usually is only for scramble decisions and/or large battle where ool is best determined in real time
Ah right - I get you. I thought you meant like a live full match. Sure, we can try and arrange it live with bigger battles. In scramble/not scramble situations I will just make a save at that point and send it - you never know when a scramble situation might come up.
@Makalakalane yeah ok we'll see how it goes its usually pretty easy to do just the battle parts live and its also a bit more fun that way but definitely when there are no real decisions or small non-consequential battles it's better to just run them out. So if you don't mind i think ill play aliies first since that will allow me to respond to your moves for our first match and ill take the same bid placement so go ahead and set up the game dont forget the tech.
Alright. But I need your email for the dice server thing, don't I?
I only tried setting up 1 game before and that was through
@Makalakalane i can set it up to give me a few
@Makalakalane btw you should use the reply button to me not the thread so i get notified when you reply
also i think the setup is actually the same because they use the same software
@ubernaut ok I will
Great it's easier you do it for now, I think. Then you can also put in what you wanna get for your 16 IPC as the Allies.
@ubernaut do you need me to do anything? My email is, by the way.