foreach syntax
Do I have the correct syntax here for this foreach loop? Nothing seems to happen. Triggers with same condition outside the loop work.
<attachment foreach="$LandArea$^$TriggerPlayer$" name="triggerAttachmentZombies@TriggerPlayer@Zombie@LandArea@" attachTo="Zombies" javaClass="TriggerAttachment" type="player"> <option name="conditions" value="conditionAttachmentEveryTurn"/> <option name="placement" value="@LandArea@:zombie" count="1"/> <option name="players" value="Zombies"/> <option name="chance" value="1:1"/> <option name="when" value="before:@triggerplayer@Purchase"/> </attachment> ... The variables are defined as
<variable name="TriggerPlayer">
<element name="Russians"/>
<element name="Germans"/>
<element name="British"/>
<element name="Japanese"/>
<element name="Americans"/>
<variable name="LandArea">
<element name="Afghanistan"/>
etc. -
@RogerCooper You have "triggerplayer" not defined (I assume you meant "TriggerPlayer").
@Cernel Thank you. The capitalization issues without error messages are hard to catch.