Please Help with Github upload
When i click on the "Open in Githbu Desktop" button on the triplea-maps thing, it brings me to my app showing thave i've already done the upload of the map. ..but its not appearing
@Joe-G ![0_1590967050961_Screen Shot 2020-05-31 at 7.15.42 PM.png](Uploading 100%)
Are you still having trouble? What is the full path of where you have files that were listed for changes and the full path from the last dialog in the previous screenshot you were sharing? Are those the same?
I don't think you need to add a local repository given the first screenshot, that seems to be done already. It looks like all you need to do is to 'push' to sync your local changes with the remote repository.
@LaFayette no. redrum helped me out. thanks lafayette.