Less approximative battle-calculator
It would be better if the battle-calculator
- gives results always approximated to two decimals (currently, it doesn't do it for the "Attacker Wins", "Draw" and "Defender Wins" values).
- allows setting the Run Count up to 100,000 (currently, it cannot go above 20,000)(the "Battle Simulator" tab in Settings (Engine Preferences) allows you setting either or both to 100,000, but, in game, the Run Count can never actually go so high, so it is defaulted to 1, instead!).
Even better would be able to set such things (in the settings).
As an example (assuming all my calculations are otherwise correct), here I've tried to calculate how often Jerusalem should averagely fall before Egypt can do its first turn (something of great importance for the balance of the game).
However, the limits of the battle-calculator made my attempt highly imprecise.
For example, if the 0% win probability of 1 offender only is actually a 0.5%, then the total 0.47% would go up by 0.20%, rising the total to 0.67%, which would mean the event happening averagely once every 149 games instead of once every 215 games!
And this is certainly not the first time that, when map-making, and especially when balancing the values and costs of units, I am constrained or delayed by the excessive approssimation of the battle-calculator and its too limited maximum run count.
With modern computers I agree that there should be no limit to run count. Perhaps just an "are you sure? this could take awhile" over a certain threshold
For the digits to be meaningful, the program may give them depending on the run-count.
Run count 1 to 999: 0 decimals.
Run count 1,000 to 9,999: 1 decimal.
Run count 10,000 to 99,000: 2 decimals.
Run count 100,000 (my proposed maximum): 3 decimals.Additionally, as I said, you can be able to set the decimals to be shown in engine preferences.
To be clear about what the approximation is, the program should always give the full decimals that are being used (so, if we are using 2 decimals and obtain a perfect 1%, it should be written as 1.00%).
I agree. -
To minimize the requests to what I believe would be the marginally most important improvement here, I suggest at least adding a decimal to the Wins and Draw results (or using the permille instead of the percent).
Currently a 100% Win in the battle-calculator is anything from 99.5% to 100.0% Win, and being 99.9% sure to win a battle may be significantly different from being 99.5% sure of the same, but currently they are both given as 100%.