Clarification needed about unit options and some ideas
Some couriosity brought me to the following aspect which i was certain about not to work at all, and that since i started modding and playing this game years ago. I feel ashamed or better: like an idiot.Most of it i already now tested, but i was so irritated to see that it works, even if i was so certain about, that i now have to ask for clarification.
Btw. that observation and realisation happend only because i started modding/creating a non-modern/non-WW2 scenario/theme. (Romans, Celts, Greeks, Germanics around 148 BC).
The main difference between this scenarios isAir units, which are missing. If you go fantasy you often have dragons and griffons or whatever you like.
But even in my semi/pseudo-historical scenario i dont have such units. Only legionaries and berserkers, archers and spearmen, peltasts and horsemen, 2H-warriors, phalanx-units, healers (druids) and chariots and some more.Til now.(?)
Because i really want to have some more tactical depth, and missing airbattles and scramble is a NO if i can make a workaround. (or just simply use it
How the hell did i not know that canAirBattle, airDefense/Attack and canScramble are not restricted to isAir units ?
How the hell did i not know that you can scramble with only 1 movement ?
I thought you need 2 movement at least, like the minimum movement for a real normal isAir unit (not isKamikaze) and it has to be a isAir unit.
Because if this is true, then i can now devide my units into some categories to describe their armament or tactical abilities.
Some simple examples:
I could use canScramble for cavalry units without the need to be isAir. (some time ago i tried to workaround that by triggers, now i dont need that). You could even argue about making even fast/light foot units to be able to scramble if you want.
You could give all units which are using throwing/missle weapons and of course bowmen the ability to participate in air battles which could simulate the ranged skirmish phase before the normal (melee) battle.
Just set airAttack/Defense (not even needed at all) and canAirBattle.
Btw, somewhat similar to this, i already use canEvade for cavalry and fast foot units to be able to "retreat" (submerge,hide) in defense.
So please dont tell me you all knew this all the time.
And if so please tell me how and why you eventually use this or a similar approach if you are modding.Share your thoughts. Thanks for reading.
A possible workaround would be to have Cavalry as air units while sea areas would just be a land terrain type. This works in an Ancient context, as you give combat bonuses to ships in sea areas and penalties to non-ships in sea areas. Civ6 works this way, without explicit naval transports.
@RogerCooper Roger that.
As i stated, i dont even need isAir option now to get land units to be scrambler and or air battle participant. Even if they only have 1 movement.
Thats what i recently realized and found out, which i had thought isnt possible for years. But it is, fortunately.
Thanks anyway.The only problem now is to how i handle the costs and such because some units can scramble now (Cavalry) and some can airBattle now (think skirmish/ranged combat for bowmen and alike) but some will not be able to do both (heavy melee, without the ability/armament for skirmish, like a 2H-Axe berserker eg). Which is a problem of cost and balance now.
Some very nice innovation here. I believe it's time for experiments. Just modifying a map, adding some of the new mechanics without overthinking it, and seeing how it plays out. I don't think it's possible to design an entirely new system without some trial and error. In fact, I expect that it'll take years and multiple maps along the way until this goldmine is fully explored.