How to transfer resources from minor to major?
Dear TripleA community,
could you please explain to me how to transfer resources from minor to major?Many of you find upkeep very useful in the game (me too) but how do you solve the issue when minor factions produce units who are given to their majors on placement?
As the result minor factions either produce new units or stockpile resources whereas major factions can have more units than their upkeep allows them to have as major factions can get new units from their minors even if all net income of major factions is 0. (As far as I understand, upkeep "createsResourcesList" can not charge the faction resource pool below 0).I appreciate very much any advice from you and thank you in advance for your help!
@unternehmer I hope someone got back to you on this issue and provided you with a solution; as I don't see any responses. As for myself, I can't help at this time; as I'm not sure which game this is about and hadn't played any TripleA games in well over a year.
I must say that I do like the concept of resources and, not knowing the game, I would suggest that the minors be instructed to produce the ones you need the most (if that's possible); for example - Bombs or Oil or whatever.
Anyway, this topic was close to one I am looking to understand better, so that's why I checked it out (and added my 2 cents).
I think @Schulz has done some maps with upkeep. @RogerCooper has done some also i believe. Could ask them
@stohrm Why use a transfer of resources at all? You could get the same effect through a national objective or triggered event.