Looking for opponents
Hi I'm looking for an opponent for TWW via PBF or PBEM
@nothingtoseehere my other game has stalled maybe we can get our matches going again let me ping him once more
@ubernaut Did lich react yet?
@nothingtoseehere no, not yet i'll be pretty busy with work stuff for probably the next week anyway if he hasn't responded by next weekend i think we can go ahead
Did you ever start the game?
Oterhwise I'm interested to play via PBEM. -
@sveaguldfisk Not yet. Although we still plan to. But I can start up a game with you also.
I would love to!
Email: sveaguldfisk@gmail.comI'm new to this map, but I've played a few rounds vs the AI to get a hold of the rules. I've also begun a game with a friend, but we're only a few rounds in so I still need to work on my strategy. I'm an experienced player on other maps though, so I hope I'll give a fair challenge.
I've not allowed Emails to be sent automatically, so I'll do a manual save each turn and send it to you. Marti works fine most of the time, but sometimes the rolls don't get delivered. I've seen in the forums that others have the same problem, but for me it's not really an issue since I prefer to play LL anyway.
That being said, if you don't mind I'd prefer to play LL (but not LL for AA). Other than that you can choose rules as you like. You may also choose side. Does this sound ok? And for the sake of clarification, are we playing with the "player enforced rules" that's described in the rulebook? And how do you prefer we choose order of losses and decide about scrambles?
Have I missed anything?
@sveaguldfisk: I answered you in chat so we don't bog down this thread with pre-game coordination.