Could Global Map get an option for Techs to be activated only after the turn?
I even have a memory of it being such, but in this client Ive seen them activated during the same turn that we get them and that creates some serious unbalances as one tech can suddenly completely switch the balance in a battle in the pacific.
Sorry if my memory fails me here
@ondis In the current TripleA program, there is no clean way to have the option of choosing when tech activation happens (yet one could hack it as I did in my V3 mod called "Tech Advance"). Beside workarounds, you can choose if it activates at one point or at an other point, but not giving the option to choose one or the other. Thus, moving it end turn is possible but not as an option: then people that may prefer the current activation time won't have it any longer.
To be clear, "V3" tech activates immediately. The end turn activation is Revised LHTR only: in every other game tech activates immediately or there is no tech. I'm actually not absolutely sure about this, so I defer to @Panther for confirmation.
@cernel Was there ever a way? Anyway then I guess a second version of at least the two most common maps would be hugely appreciated for us who like tech (2nd Version and 3rd Balanced)