what ratio/ballance various Navy should be?
I guess some of you have a good opinion about this one:
when restricting building Navy by max build,
what ratio/ballance would be desirable
between the various common ship types...?
( a bit historical but mostly best for gameplay)let's say's : ( for a big nation / faction )
for every
(1) Carrier there could be max.
2 battleships
5 cruisers
10 destroyers
10 submarines
20 transports???what you think?
@ebbe There seem to be way too many transports. Limiting transports limits the ability to wage amphibious warfare. 20 is in most games effectively no limit.
Carriers are easier to build than battleships, so they should not have a lower limit.
so: adapted balanced proposal:
for every battleship max produced
2 carriers
5 cruisers
10 destroyers
10 submarines
10 transports