TWW 3.0.9? NTSH (ax) v (al) ubernaut Game 4
@nothingtoseehere cool
@nothingtoseehere should we replace the file or just leave as is for this game? it's just a display issue doesn't effect gameplay
@ubernaut I don't mind. Honestly, I don't pay much attention to the little tech icons.
@nothingtoseehere still might be good to test it at least for the next game
@ubernaut At our current speed that might be quite a while.
@nothingtoseehere had a few moments today to test the bombing raid die throw i was talking abt it turns out it those battles sort of go automatically and the miss throw only really stays visible if it happens on the last throw they flash if you see them before and just show up as rolls a 0 in history so sorry for any confusion abt that.
@nothingtoseehere still working on it?
@ubernaut yeah sometimes. Currently I'm on a short vacation over the weekend. I was also kind of distracted from looking more than a few minutes at a time. I only found out about a few places whether they are easy, hard or impossible to hold and that all the bigger attacks are probably a bad idea.
@nothingtoseehere no worries and no rush gonna be busy this week and travelling the week after so i wouldnt be able to do much on my end anyway
@ubernaut: I noticed that transports don't seem to be giving negative support to subs. At least when I look at the power in the Battle Calculator and add subs above 2 times non-transport-surface ships, defense power goes up regardless of transports.
I looked into the section of the XML dealing with the Mixed fleet penalty and can't see a difference between transports and non-transports -
@ubernaut It looks even weirder when I also look at improved subs tech. Just looked at American and German fleets and added and removed subs, non-transport-ships, and transports, and after a bit of fiddling, it looks like every surface ship can reduce only the combat value of a sub by up to 2 but if you have more subs than surface ships even nonimproved subs add 1 defense for every sub exceeding the number of surface ships. same happens with improved subs but you get 2 defense for every surplus sub.
What confused me about transports nontransports is that it looks especially weird in the battle calc when you have more nonimproved subs than surface ships and then add transports because until you surpass surface ships defense power stays the same because transports add 1 defense but the negative support reduces the defense of 1 sub by one.
As I understand the 3.x descriptions this isn't how it's supossed to work. surface ships should reduce up to 2 times their number of nonimproved subs. I know at the start there was a bug that made subs hit even if they are accompanied by surface ships in defense. But that's been taken care of. I didn't test if it's just a battle calc display problem or if subs actually would shoot if they are more numerous than surface ships in an actuall battle. -
@nothingtoseehere yeah that bug was fixed i noticed it like a game or two ago figured you already knew abt it
TripleA Manual Gamesave Post: Germany round 4
TripleA Manual Gamesave Post for game: Total World War: December 1941 3.0
Game History
Round: 4 Research Technology - Germany Germany roll 1,9,9,1,10,1,10,7,9,4,3,8 and gets 0 hits Combat Move - Germany Trigger germanAirtraninfra1: Setting isInfrastructure to false for unitAttachment attached to germanAirTransport Trigger germanAirtraninfra1: Setting attack to 1 for unitAttachment attached to germanAirTransport Trigger germanAirtraninfra1: Setting destroyedWhenCapturedBy cleared for unitAttachment attached to germanAirTransport Trigger germanHvyTank1: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to germanHeavyTank Trigger germanTank1: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to germanTank Trigger germanMecht3: Setting isLandTransportable to false for unitAttachment attached to germanMech.Infantry 2 germanSubmarines moved from 34 Sea Zone to 41 Sea Zone 1 germanSubmarine moved from 10 Sea Zone to 25 Sea Zone 1 germanSubmarine moved from 24 Sea Zone to 25 Sea Zone 1 germanInfantry moved from Norway to Central Norway Germany take Central Norway from ExiledAllies 1 germanStrategicBomber moved from Northern Germany to Murmansk 1 germanAlpineInfantry moved from Northern Finland to Murmansk 1 germanMech.Infantry moved from Finland to Murmansk 1 germanFighter and 1 germanInfantry moved from Southern Ukraine to Eastern Ukraine 1 germanArtillery and 1 germanInfantry moved from Kharkov to Eastern Ukraine 1 germanTacticalBomber moved from Belorussia to Smolensk 1 germanInfantry moved from Pskov to Smolensk 1 germanMech.Infantry and 1 germanTank moved from Kharkov to Smolensk 1 germanStrategicBomber moved from Poland to Smolensk
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
@ubernaut: I think I looked at it enough to at least do the battles now.
@nothingtoseehere im traveling rn idk if we can play till i get back
@ubernaut Oh then I might rethink my move.
@nothingtoseehere no worries