Trouble loading name_place.txt
I'm having trouble using the automatic name_place feature while editing a custom map. The map creation tool appears to work perfectly, but then no territory names actually appear on the map when I start a new game. I've re-read the mapmaking tutorials and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.
Map-making tool works great:
But territory names aren't actually showing up:
Here's my file structure:
And, finally, my file, in case that matters:
color settings for the map
values must be a 6 digit hex number
map.height=1830should we draw territory names
map.showTerritoryNames=falsescreenshot overlay stuff
I tried setting map.showTerritoryNames=true, but that just adds some ugly standard text; it doesn't import my graphics.
Also, the pu_place feature appears to work fine on the map creation tool, but as you can see in the images above, once I actually start the game, the PU indicators show up at bad locations that aren't the ones I've selected.
Hi @jason-green-lowe I think you need a misc folder for the name changes.
I can't remember how it all works
I'll look at it some more
For the Pu locations "pu_place.txt" determines where they place.Edit 2
decorations.txt needs to be involved as well i think. Not sure what you currently have in it.The above examples from "Global 40 Expansion UHD Boxes".
I'm not sure if Elk addresses it here or not
but will ping him @Black_Elk
Sorry Elkstar but i can't remember how it works. Cali kin back on
Thought I'd go ahead and bug ya
Oh yea you got the PU place. I think it places to where the centers are. I just did them all by hand to fine tune them -
I think we used the decorations.txt for the labels in the misc folder, and then in the map.props the line...
This was so it wouldn't show the standard font/text like in PoS2, but instead use the png images with matching labels.
That was just following Bung's organization for the regular G40 though. There might be another way to do it, but I wasn't sure so just copied the structure there for the upscale.
You will need a folder named territoryNames, then leave map.showTerritoryNames equal to true not false. The engine will look into for a png with the name and if one is not there it will print the name.
Right on that makes sense
I'm pretty sure in most games which use png graphics for lables, changing the Font settings in-game will only affect the tiny number that displays next to unit stacks or stuff in the UI and not much else. Though I suppose it's nice to have as a redundancy in case someone wants to go under the hood or mod, since it's way easier to edit the text than images for changing stuff on the fly.
You can see in WOPRs v3 that a name_place.txt is included, but really not in use for the final. I think they're just duplicated in the decorations.txt cause I didn't see any other folders for the images.
I believe the relief on that one is already made semi transparent throughout, so it should show edits there to TT or SZ borders as well, if overlaid with the relief turned on in the map.props. Has some minor sound work which was kinda cool, and the traditional iron blitz unit graphics, but those can be sub'd out for whatever. You would lose the 3 px border fade, but that could be carved out from the relief once the base is all sorted.
@wc_sumpton OK, that worked, thank you! Previously I had tried setting showTerritoryNames equal to true...but that was before I renamed my images folder to be exactly "territoryNames", so I guess the engine didn't find it before. With showTerritoryNames true and the folder named "territoryNames," it works properly!