Mega New Elk WIP
No git just the xml and the other stuff.
Name changes
N. Italy
S. ItalyCan make rome just Italy if you want. They're almost same charachter length.
Moved the notification to fire after tech for working purposes. Switch it back when we're done.
@wc_sumpton here's just xml it's in the above as well. This is off of 1.36.1
Why not Milan (N. Italy) or Naples (S. Italy). There are approximately 150 hyphenated territory names. If you want, I can provide you with a list. Or I can "select" just the first/second part (I would use Excell to do it automatically).
Just curious about how you would handle this.
That'd probably be the way to go. Also might catch the sp errors in review tab if any left over. I don't have it on this rig, I cheaped out on Office when I got the new laptop hehe. But the auto wizardry would probably work to at least knock em down to just the one name, and then maybe can see that way if any others had a typo in like a one fell swoop.
@black_elk said in Mega New Elk WIP:
I don't have it on this rig, I cheaped out on Office when I got the new laptop hehe.
Same, but there are online port of office that can be used for free. This is what I use.
Please note that he formular bar at the top show the formular used to only take the left most portion of the name, Aleppo-Deir ez Zor, is just Aleppo. This is setup to be able to change all x,y quadrantes with single entries in column I1 and J1.
I've been using this to change name_place and pu_place uniformly.
Just wastin' time and having fun.
If someone wants to change all the names, that'd be great. The long hyphenated ones don't work imo.
Ideally the names are done first then PU then place.
No point in doing any place if the names are just gonna keep changing.
You guys let me know when they're done and I'll do the place then