Mega New Elk WIP
@wc_sumpton yea I don't really no what I got. Spaghetti mode
Hmm ... I tried adding wc's French xml to the games folder. I renamed it by adding 1939 to the end. Changed mapName as well and it's not showing up.
I copied the html notes and changed their name too. Must be missing a step. Anyone know where I'm screwing up ?
Did you add it to map.yml.
- game_name: World War I 1914 WC_Sumpton
file_name: world_war_i_1914_wc.xml
- game_name: World War I 1914 WC_Sumpton
@wc_sumpton nope
I can't get the TTy names to move now. I thought they used centers for their coordinates ?
I added it to the yaml and I get two Mega Elk's now. Same one. Do I need a separate yaml ? Can you have two yaml's ?
Idky the brackets are green
Ahh I forgot the 1939 -
@Black_Elk do you remeber how to move the names ? I want to center S Austria under the PU
I guess I could move the PU Bavaria needs to tidy up too
Uggh this is becoming almost unusable. I'm spending as much time restarting the machine as I am working. Wasn't this bad yesterday.
I'll see if I can boost my memory. I'm pretty sure it's maxed out.
Well, unfortunately, it's still freezing up for me. Mega Elk is the only map in downloadedMaps now. I guess I'll set vmoptions back to 1250 and see what happens.
Sadly, I'm not gonna be able to work on this map if I can't solve this problem.
Last try and I'm out of ideas after this. I'm real close to printing out the triplea dude and taping it to my machine, going out the backdoor and using it for tatget practice
WWI Trench Sweeper Program
Finally got triplea to fire up again. Had it all fckd up too
Well w/e guess i'll just do a Giant Bong Hit and struggle on. What a Major Bummer. Was all jacked up to work on this again.
Kinda hammered it's name but f it lol
hmm that Infanatry looks as if it's got that tangent thing going on. I think that's what you called. Idfn lol
Maybe just boost him up a 5 spot
@beelee Yeah I mean for the tiny spots sometimes gotta just do what ya feel I think. Looks fine to me long as the overflows aren't all running into each other should prob be good. Nice work!
Using WCs I made this in the Edit for a quick 1939-40ish vibe
Not sure if I caught all the spots, Cuba I think would still be Pro-Side Allies probably. I didn't add the Mongolians, Congo might need a different handling or a few more pro Axis in the Balkans, just depends on the start date, but something along those lines for a more UHD look I think would prob work for the familiar. If doing up a scenario for that one as well
oh there we go, forgot it was too large to attach hehe
Balkans are done. Well almost. I'm gonna flow Bosnia left and Croatia lower left .
Yea that's better. The dudes are primarily gonna be going east, although Italy a little trickier. Whatever they gotta go somewhere
Wow guys! Thumbs up to you both!
Making me feel lazy! (Mega New Elk, S&G 1914, North Africa, maybe I just need something to do, like a new project.)
Just fantastic!
Eastern Front getting a little crowded, but sometimes you're just gonna have a little bit of that
well I was gonna try and not spam out the thread but I guess I already have lol
4 more and mainland europe will be done for the reich. Silesia turned out nicely
Start on the commies next. Actually, I guess I should do those fascist bastards in Italy as long as I'm in Europe. Gotta do Scandanavia too.
Well, I guess it doesn't matter what order it gets done in lol
Looking good!
I would think about commenting out unitInitialize section while doing this to get a cleaner look at the map.
hee hee East Prussia last one for mainland G. I'll update to git so I don't get to far in front of my skis.
Snowmobile the way to go anyway. That's still a workout though
I was gonna be a pit dude on the ALCAN 200 for this guy but he punked out lol.
Sorry roads closed. Wtf ? Snowmachine race. Had to fry at the KPI in Haines Junction lol
They don't like outsiders
got G done for mainland europe. I'll upload to git in a bit
@VictoryFirst here's how your G start looks now
hmm .. maybe Danzig PU should go a bit higher
well w/e lol