canalAttachment - Resolved -
POS2 says "...attached to the connected sea (or land) zones."
Does this mean you can have a "canal" that connects 2 territories? (non standard map?)
It also says "...need identical attachments attached to the 2 sea zones involved"
seeming to indicate they must be sea zones.Also :
excludedUnits: An optional list of all the units that will NOT be validated by the canal.Does validated mean cannot use the canal?
@mahks A canal could link two sz through a land mass and can have 1 territory to own it or 2 or three or more depending upon how many you wish.
It seems to say that the attachTo territory may be a territory (not a sz)
I do understand there must be a territory defined in each attachment (landTerritories value).
@mahks the ter defined defines what ter or territories are required to own the canal and use it.
Example Suez cannot be used if either Egy or Trans Jordan are not both owned by the same country trying to use the canal. On the other hand Panama connects two sz and only needs Panama ownership.
That is not what I am asking. I mean the attachTo unit.
Can that be a territory?
<attachment name='canalAttachmentSuez' attachTo='Land Terr Name' javaClass='CanalAttachment' type='territory'>
</attachment>as ".Each canal must consist of 2 attachments attached to the connected sea (or land) zones." seems to say
OK, Thanks!
What about:
excludedUnits: An optional list of all the units that will NOT be validated by the canal.
Does validated mean cannot use the canal?
@mahks ya as an example you could exclude all units from the "gates" except "heroes" or what ever ya wish is my guess.
@mahks For excludedUnits, here is what POS2 XML has:
excludedUnits values: an optional list of all the units that will NOT be validated by the canal. If left blank, then all Air units will not be validated. Can also be set to "NONE" or "ALL". example: <option name="excludedUnits" value="submarine:fighter:bomber:air_transport"/>
So excluded units essentially ignore the canal "validation" and can always move between the indicated territories. The simplest example is your standard canals like Panama or Suez, don't "validate" air units so fighters/bombers can always move between the sea zones even if the canal isn't controlled by your alliance. Any units that aren't excluded can only pass between the 2 territories if their alliance has controlled the necessary territories since the begin of the player's turn.