Axis and Allies G1940 Second Edition Opponents
@Makalakalane nope sorry had to finish up my tww turn and got a call just a few minutes now
@Makalakalane everything look right here?
@Makalakalane oh actually i kinda like random aa casualties but we can do it either way if you prefer choosing
@ubernaut Everything looks fine
I'm ready now too.
@Makalakalane so random aa ok too?
@ubernaut sure that's fine. By the way - I can only respond every 2 minutes
like on I got no idea how to earn whatever I need to earn to be able to reply as often as I want.
@Makalakalane not sure why that is maybe you need more rep or some cc'ing @RoiEX
@ubernaut it's ok, as long as my opponent knows, if something pressing comes up, I can't reply 2 times within 2 minutes
Anyway, I take it that the savegame will pop-up in this conversation once you have bought your stuff with the british?
@Makalakalane started a new thread for the game