<attachment name='unitAttachment' attachTo='gun_bunker' javaClass='UnitAttachment' type='unitType'>
<option name='consumesUnits' value='1:bunker'/>
<option name='consumesUnits' value='1:artillery'/>
</attachment>I understand this example as an AND-operator
this means BOTH the bunker and the artillery are consumed by the new unit, here the gun-bunker--
But this is not what I am looking for, I look for a code line that is an OR-operator
which means: EITHER a bunker or an artillery can be consumed
if this is possible of courseDo I have to make two commands out of one, like:
<attachment name='unitAttachment' attachTo='gun_bunker' javaClass='UnitAttachment' type='unitType'>
<option name='consumesUnits' value='1:bunker'/>
</attachment><attachment name='unitAttachment' attachTo='gun_bunker' javaClass='UnitAttachment' type='unitType'>
<option name='consumesUnits' value='1:artillery'/>
</attachment> -
I thought only about situations where there is only unit X or unit Y. But what if both of them are in the same territory....
This seems to be the problem.
So this would require a user action and things become more complicated.
Damn. I did want to have two updates, but I see nothing better
Unit a. Update for a. Consumes a
Unit b. Update for b. Consumes bAnyone a better idea?
@Numetalfan Seems strange to have (what I would presume to be) 2 very different units being used to create the same defensive unit upon merging.