Playing as Russia
I seem to be having trouble holding out for very long as Russia in the 1942 version. I suppose some experienced player has written an essay on this subject someone could put me onto?
you might try asking here too
@captainjcook infantry, infantry and even more infantry kinda like actual russia
@ubernaut so after the first round Russia shouldn't really attack then?
@captainjcook that's not what i said, your attack/defense should always be based on the situation but you should generally be spending almost all of your income on infantry for the first few rounds at least as russia
@ubernaut if Germany wipes out the US east coast navy on turn 1 is it still possible to begin the Normandy landings as soon as turn 4?
@captainjcook never seen that, hard to say
which 1942 version excactly do you talk about? Anniversary 1942?
Play rolling dice or low luck?
Play with any house rules or bidding?
Play with national objectives?
Play with research ?all that influences your strategy as Russia. So we need more information to advice you.