Smarter defending of "strategic important points"
Re: AI Development Discussion and Feedback
Hi guys, this is my very first post on the forum. If this is an already discussed topic, bare with me.
I am mostly playing the AAA 1940/42 global versions.
The AI is playing in mostly a very good game. I have gradually started to change my playing style to take advantage of the glitches I have observed here and there. This might be common knowledge, most likely, if one have played the AIs over several runs. I would anyway like to just describe what I have observed.
In the global map (maybe also the European map), Germany often leaves Germany Capital undefended as no allied forces are without strike range.
Alas! It might also leave the Danish territory undefended, leaving itself open for a simple USA / UK transport and infantry combo of simple shuffling of a few units to steal its entire federal reserve.
I reckon there have been some improvements here over time. I hardly see the combination of «empty Denmark» and «empty Germany» in combination. I do however still observe, «weak» defended DK, and «weak» defended Germany combinations.
So the very latest observation, might be something like: It would make sense if it the German AI (in this case) both try to protect the Danish territory as it open / closes access to many other territories, and as well leave some units in case the first line of defense fails.
Another observation. The Japanese player AI, leaves itself open for a simple Us tactic of sending submarine units into the Japan sea zone, letting the US cripple the Japanese economy with very few submarines.
As JP have a massive fleet of aircrafts, a few simple DD purchases could «rather easily» remove this type of threat. I hardly see the AI player counter these threats.
@johnbildoy Hi john welcome to the forum
If you make "strategic important points" into "capitals" or maybe even "victory cities" not sure about that though, the AI will pursue and defend them more aggressively.
I'm not certain about SZs, you might be able to do the same. I don't have a link handy, but you could search for that in Map Making
xml code wise Capitals works on land and SZ for the AI.
If you want to show the player then you should make the capitals 'visible' by adding victoryCentre, but the AI will just ignore a vc without a paired capital.
There are two different issues here, the ability to define territories as important and the vulnerability of the AI to can-opener attacks.
As of now, the AI only pays special attention to capitals. In fact, the AI will play listlessly on a map without capitals. It would be desirable for the AI to pay extra attention to victory cities.
The second issue, is the AI's vulnerability to can opener attacks. It understands how to make such attacks, but it doesn't understand how to defend against them.
Both these problems are fixable in the scope of the current AI. If nothing else, coastal capitals should be garrisoned if there is any potential vulnerability to can opener attacks.