Hi, can I get help installing on Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS?
I googled how to install java, so I used...
$ sudo apt-get install default-jreLaunching TripleA still just opens TripleA Console with a "triplea.engine.version.bin:1.9java.lang.NullPointerException".
I've played this on windows a long time ago, so I know its a good game. Please help me get it installed on ubuntu. Note I have only been using Ubuntu for a few days so far.
@mills-mess Hi mills
What java ? I think it still needs to be java 8. Think 201 is the latest. I don't think java 9 works yet but I could be wrong. I'll switch machines and try and remember how I did it.
Will ask @RoiEX too.
@beelee You're mostly right.
While on Windows Java 11 should work without any problems (at least using the latest pre-release, not sure about the latest stable).
However on Debian based system there seems to be an issue that causes the game to crash:
Rolling back to java 1.8 should fix the issue for now.